Last year I was hooking up with this guy and things were seemingly going in the right direction, but randomly he started to pull away. I was not particularly bothered by it because I wasn’t a very committed type of person at the time + I had other sh!t going on in my life so a relationship was the least of my worries… but long story short, after not talking for two weeks, he hml and told me to get tested. Turns out, while he was seeing me AND his ex-girlfriend at the same time. Obviously it pissed me off because I asked him about his relational status and he lied. I confronted him and he pretty much ran for the hills and blocked me on everything.

\^ This all happened last year in July.

Now my birthday came up recently and I get this message from this number I barely recognize wishing me happy birthday (hbd). Then they send this picture from our past and I immediately remembered this guy. I was so shocked, confused, but everything started clicking!!

For the past cpl months, I noticed that random bots were watching my instagram stories and I know that means someone is stalking me from anonymous app. I couldn’t pinpoint who it was considering I was pretty social person and people come and go all the time yk? But of those I suspected, THEY ended up doing right by me and there’s no reason to stalk so i was hella confused as why there was still bots on my page.. but now I’m thinking it was him.

Anyways, what are your guys thoughts? Cause this is crazy.

  1. They’re in your head rent free. Accept you won’t get an answer for all your questions in life and move on

  2. I’m so glad when I was a kid they would air herpes commercials every 20 minutes – which is the main reason I’m terrified of casual hook-ups.

  3. What crazy?

    He’s light gauging your interest to see if you’re still down to bang, even after all that’s happened. The IG stalking to see if you still look like you and not gained a significant amount of weight or got yourself a new BF. Just ignore his message and delete.

  4. Smoke some weed, drink a beer, go skinny dipping, sky diving? Or maybe just tell him to go fuck himself? Whatever makes you feel alive, adopt a puppy? Hug a stranger?

  5. So if random bots are all over your story, that means you’re being stalked by someone using apps or websites ? Cause I’ve noticed this on my IG after a breakup and once a week she actually uses her real account to look at my story

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