I’m slightly annoyed because I was about to join a book club but it literally got cancelled before I had a chance to join. I can’t find any other book clubs on Meetup but I will keep looking. What clubs could I join for someone with no specific hobbies? I need a life outside of my relationship which is my motivation for doing this

  1. Try looking at your local businesses and seeing what they have on. Coffee shops are basically the community centres now.

  2. Bouldering, if there’s a gym near you.

    Super low cost of entry as you can rent your shoes until you get your own for about £3 on top of your roughly £7-10 entry fee per go. If you do get into it a pair of entry level climbing shoes costs ~£60, then £10 for a chalk bag and then you’re done. But most importantly the community is super welcoming and friendly. Plus it’ll help you keep or get fit as well.

  3. Disc golf. You don’t have to be physically fit, you can get started with just one or two discs, there are courses popping up all over the place and the community is generally very friendly and welcoming.

  4. I also need this. I’m 38, have a great family, amazing career that has taken me all over the world but I suddenly realise I have absolutely no friends where I now live back in the UK. I tried a local canoe club but there was no social element and you can’t talk much whilst in a racing canoe. I then gave up…

  5. Have kids.

    Then you’ll meet lots of parents.

    Also have kids if you want to save a relationship.

    And please for the love of God ignore my advice unless you were already planning on having some.

  6. I was in the local library the other day and noticed they had a board up with lots of clubs which take place there.

    May be worth a try.

  7. Wine tasting.

    Surprisingly casual, very social, interesting (if you like wine I guess), and tasty.

  8. There’s a local board game club to me. I’ve thought about joining but it doesn’t work for other commitments I’ve got going on. I think it could be a good club to join.

  9. You need to think about what interests you and find relevant clubs to that. No point making ‘gym’ friends if you hate exercising etc.

  10. Parkrun?

    Pretty low barrier to entry – completely free and you can walk the entire course if you want to. Eventually you’ll start chatting to the same people who finish around the same time as you.

  11. Brazilian jiu Jitsu. Great for your health, great for confidence and also for meeting new people.

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