I’ve had some sex before, but never had anyone cum in me. I’m wondering what it actually feels like when a guy cums inside. Also I know it probably sounds stupid, but what actually happens to all the cum after? Does it all leak out and if so how fast?

  1. You know when it’s a really cold day and your body is feeling really cold but then you make hot chocolate and you take a drink and you can feel the warmth go all the way down to your tummy? It’s exactly like that but from the bottom up to your uterus lol. And for me at least, it feels just as cozy.

    Also yeah, some will leak out but not all. Depends how much baby batter your man gives you.

  2. You can’t feel the semen inside the vaginal canal because it’s the same temperature, however you can feel his dick pulsating and throbbing. Whenever I see someone describing it as a hot gush of fluid or something, I have to laugh. That’s just not how it works at all. My man is always really deep when he cums so I’ve never felt it coming out right in the moment

    The semen can leak out the few hours following, but it’s nothing intense like a steady flow. Or it can stay in your body for about 5 days, even remaining viable. The fluid in a woman’s reproductive tract has all of the nutrients that sperm need for their survival during that time

  3. I don’t feel it at all, the only thing I can feel is the dick throbbing. It doesn’t depend on the man, they can shoot a gallon with the power of a shotgun and I won’t feel it at all. I guess maybe other women are more sensitive or the mental side of it makes them “feel” more.

  4. I’ve heard that most women can’t tell. This probably explains how some jerks can get away with “stealthing” by taking advantage of that.

  5. I can’t feel the cum itself because it’s body temperature, but I do feel the throbbing dick. Sometimes the cum starts dripping out almost right away, sometimes it takes a bit longer. Usually most of it has come out by the time I’ve gotten to wash up, but sometimes I feel a sudden gush the next day when the last of it makes it way out lol.

  6. One time a guy came really hard inside of me and i just BARELY felt the pressure from it. I felt the warmth of it and the second i sat up it all flowed out of me and left a “puddle” on my bed.

    The other times i never felt that pressure but i always felt how warm the cum is and the throbbing and how it leaks out afterwards.

    I’m a HUGE fan of creampies either way wether i feel it or not. The idea of being owned like that is just so hot.

  7. Depends how hard they cum. Sometimes I don’t feel anything, other times, I feel them swell as I hear in their voice they’re starting to get close…. that’s when you get the ultimate fucking, it’s at its hardest and they’re starting to lose control, lost in the rhythm, then the twitches and pulses, a strange sensation of being filled… its super satisfying and a wonderful experience.

    He always wants the chance to cum on my face but I love it inside me and often try to push him over the edge with kegals so I can feel it

  8. It doesn’t feel like anything . I thought it would but i didn’t feel it until it was dripping out . I think it’s just the idea of it

  9. I think it feels amazing! It is the only way for me! With previous guys when I would cum my grip and wetness would make them cum which I loved! My husband now doesn’t fun until I do but hun filling me while I’m cumming is unreal! He pumps so hard and throbs. Most does run out

  10. as a guy ive had a guy cum inside me and i dont remember it being all that special. kinda sexy but didnt feel special.

  11. i could never really feel my ex bf cum inside of me but the thrill of it was what really got me, telling him to do it, knowing he was about to and wanted to, etc. i like squeezing it out haha, that’s the only time i could really feel it.

  12. I honestly don’t “feel” anything physically when he does but mentally it makes me go crazyyyy LOL

  13. It can feel warm and you can feel his dick pulsing. Also feeling his body tense and go crazy and hearing his moans-it’s just about the hottest things ever 🤤

  14. So being cummed in is a huge turn on for me. In the right position I can feel him getting harder and harder, throbbing, and a gush of wetness. Followed by him softening slightly. It’s amazing. Feeling him tense up, and then relax….

    I understand not everyone can feel it, and not every position allows for feeling it.

  15. I just feel his dick throbbing. It’s no different otherwise, but it is much more intimate. Way better, IMO, than suddenly having him pull out and do his best to cum somewhere easy to clean.

  16. Really depends how sensitive you are inside whether you’ll feel it. I’m overall very sensitive, so I usually feel it unless I’m riding, in which case my movement will obscure the sensation (unless he holds me still for a second). But depending on the quantity/force of the ejaculation, it can feel like just an extra warmth or an actual squirt (that’s only if it’s a *lot*). But what you’d definitely feel the most is the increasing hardness and then twitching of his cock. Love that.

  17. Can’t really feel it. It’s just warm and then feels like ur leaking about 10 mins after lol

  18. I could describe it as the feeling of getting into a warm bath after being cold but on the inside. That’s depending on the guy of course. And yeah it does leak out which can feel gross or kinky depending on what your into and if he was any good lol

  19. You don’t have many nerve endings inside the vagina so you’re not likely to feel much except a change in warmth. Maybe fullness if it’s a big load, but I’ve only experienced that with cum toys because they have a syringe loaded.

    Most of your nerve endings are in the clit and the bulbs of the clit located at the entrance of the vagina, so you might feel the throbbing in that location.

    Tightness has nothing to do with it. I have vaginismus (involuntary muscle tightening), and cumming doesn’t feel much different than everything else.

    I actually feel it when more often when we’re doing anal. Guess there’s more nerves in the asshole than the vaginal canal 🤷. But still, there’s a primal thrill to getting a creampie. It feels territorial.

  20. The inside of the vagina has surprisingly few nerves and most are concentrated in certain areas

  21. I don’t feel the cum either. I feel the throbbing with my boyfriend but haven’t before. While he’s coming, his body feels different, too. And I enjoy the feeling of him coming inside me because it feels so good to him. But the actual cum doesn’t feel like anything until after when I’m cleaning up the mess lol.

  22. I can’t even see or feel anything it’s such a shame. they only get the best feeling and best view.

  23. The wiener kinda throbs/pulsates which feels pretty damn nice and afterwards you have to try your best to not leak onto anything, you kinda feel the cum-blob exiting when you go sit on the toilet to pee afterwards, it’s kinda fun in a weird way

  24. I personally can feel the pressure and it’s my favourite thing 🤣😭 I know when I guy is cuming without him saying. It’s more intense when there’s no condom but I can still feel it 🙈

  25. It doesn’t feel like anything really from my experience. Sometimes I felt him twitch but when it comes out it comes out kinda slow? Unless it’s super watery then it comes out kinda like if your broke ur water during pregnancy except a lot less of it haha (I had water gush out when it broke my last pregnancy 😅)

    Tho I wish it was like in erotic stories where it feels hot/warm where u can tell the difference as well as stronger pulsing (I’m not complaining tho)

  26. I feel my husband throb when he cums in me, I don’t necessarily feel the cum, I feel the warmth of it. And usually most of it leaks out when he pulls out and I get up, some of it stays….that’s kind of how women get pregnant 😉 but majority leaks out, especially if you pee afterwards. My opinion sex is better when he cums inside just because the throbbing can feel good, if you actually can feel the throb

  27. My girl says it feels like a squirt gun 😂 she can actually feel like ropes shooting out.

  28. I feel it as he gets bigger, the pulsing and then the heat of it. Honestly I enjoy it a lot but reading these comments reminds me I’m one of the lucky women who can orgasm from piv and even anal due to my higher sensitivity in there.

  29. Warm and squishy

    Also u can usually feel the guys dick twitch and thts pretty great too

  30. I can’t feel the cumming, but the throbbing I do – and it’s freaking heaven, I really love it.

  31. all you feel is them getting so much harder as they’re about to cum but other than that I just love the thought of getting came inside. I also like the smell of their cum as it leaks outside me espec when I’m out and about.
    how fast does it leak? for me up to two days. most of it comes out afterwards espec if you fall asleep or are up about walking but I can smell his musk least two days after him doing so 🙂

  32. My wife doesn’t feel it she just knows what I look like when I’m done. Funny enough last week she was on top and I finished but when she got off to use the bathroom I asked her why she stopped. I tried to trick her that I hadn’t come and she was so confused I couldn’t keep a straight face.

  33. I think it depends a lot on the guy too. When I feel it, it feels friggin awesome, but its the vibrations before and the warmth I feel that feels good. Everything running out making a mess afterwards just feels yucky 😂
    The guys that I do feel when they cum I feel when they have a condom on too, but just waaaaay less.

  34. When I’m turned on and in love it feels just as good as an orgasm. You feel it get really stiff and then start pulsing and throbbing. Then you feel the warmth of his cum fill you up. I wish I lasted longer. It does leak out. Not immediately, but soon after depending on your position. Gravity and all that.

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