So about a week ago I met this girl off tinder who I hit it off with, Eventually the messages got sexual and we traded some nudes. She then told me that she is bisexual and finds women sexually attractive although only dated men.

I then built up the courage and came out to her as well (even tho I prefer women) but she then started saying things like “bisexual men usually end up gay”

Do women find men having sex a turn off? Or less masculine?

EDIT: Didnt want to write this on my main account cause im still in the closet and my friends know my main account

  1. Biphobia is a bitch.

    I don’t find bisexual men a turn off but I’m not turned
    on by it either if that makes sense.

    I don’t think it makes anyone less masculine and I don’t think bi men are just confused or closeted gay men.

  2. No she’s just dumb

    My boyfriend of almost 3 years is bi
    We watch bi and gay porn together and I think it’s hot ♥️

  3. Yeah she’s definitely homophobic/biphobic. Some people aren’t into it, but assuming you must be gay is rude AF and gross

    I see it as a bonus. I’m queer as hell so it’s a mutual thing we can bond over, and be like “oh no everyone is hot” about it

  4. I couldn’t imagine why some girls feel this way. I prefer it, it shows that you are confident in you’re sexuality. As a bi woman she should be the one to understand what bisexuality means. On to the next ❤️

  5. Isnt being bi the best? Rarely straight enough for the hetero crowd and half the time not queer enough for the lgbt communities. Sorry buddy

  6. I’m sorry you had that experience, Don’t give up. There’s woman out there that will help you explore in a safe and sane manner.

  7. I have spent some time in bi forum and see this a lot.

    And also , as a woman, I’ve heard many women express similar thoughts. So, yes, many women are not interested in bisexual men and often includes bisexual women too.. many monosexual people think bisexual is always just a stop on the way to gay and bisexual people are confused.

    There was a time I thought like this young lady mostly because that’s what I heard. It took years of life experience to change my thoughts on that. And, of course, eventually identifying as bisexual myself.

  8. Hello, fellow bi person here. (I am AMAB and nonbinary, so often subjected to some of this same bias at least when people gender me male.)

    This is definitely a thing, unfortunately. Still disturbingly common. But my take? Good riddance. Seriously, it’s always best to figure out people hold bigoted views like that early-on so you can avoid getting too attached to them. It’s 2022, you don’t want to waste your time dealing with people like this. Her case is especially stupid and hypocritical, because she’s bi herself, but isn’t comfortable with men being bi? That almost pisses me off more than a straight or gay person harboring biphobia, just because there’s an additional gendered double standard on top of the vanilla biphobia.

    I’d feel icky if I went on a few dates and/or had sex with someone and only then found out that they harbored such biphobia.

    Anyone worth your time is not going to have an issue with this. I’d say, keep bringing it up, especially if it comes up naturally in the conversation. Think of it as a way of proactively weeding people out, who you wouldn’t want to be with! You’ll thank yourself in the long-term!

    Seriously, plenty of people either will not care (probably the most common reaction) and some will actively like it. My partner and I are both bi and we both like it because we can check out people of any gender and talk about it with each other haha!

  9. Bi woman here. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve dated a couple bi/queer guys and think y’all are hot. Biphobia is real, and unfortunately some of it is internalized amongst bi people.

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