So me and my wife have great sex and recently it’s gotten a little more kinky and nasty which is fucking great. But for some reason my wife wants to put her finger in my ass, like to massage my prostate I guess.but she wants to do it for a long time and I’m not really into it. I told her I’d try it for her because I trust her and I’ve spoken to her about why she like to do it and she says she just does.

Ladies, is it a dominice thing for yall? I mean like takes control and flips me over and I just wanna know why lol

  1. For me I think it’s just cause most men I’ve encountered, that’s a no go area for them. I’m the first and only women my husband has allowed to explore that area of his body.

  2. Male G-spot is the prostate, orgasms can be a lot stronger. Instead of thinking it is some kind of domination, consider she may just want to try to give you more pleasure.

  3. We can’t tell you why your wife wants to do it dude. Maybe curiosity, maybe she wants to please you, maybe dominance

  4. “Give it to me! Give it to me!” she yelled. “I’m so wet, give it to me now!” She could scream all she wanted, but I was keeping the umbrella.

  5. My SO is very much into giving me prostate orgasms. The first time she really nailed it and I was shivering and moaning, she loved that she could do that to me. It had nothing to do with dominance, it is entirely about her giving me pleasure. Granted, there are times that she really gets into it and when she wants to do it, she will simply say “bend over” or tell me what position she wants me in, but she still isn’t being very dominant, although I love it when she does that.

    I would suggest a few other subs to check out for more info r/ProstatePlay and r/StraightPegging

  6. I would explore it for yourself if it’s something she’s into. We all tend to know our own bodies a little more, and the prostate can create some INTENSE pleasure for penis-owners. I explored by myself, found what worked, and introduced it to my partner. She was hesitant at first, but now she knows exactly how to make me melt in her hands.

  7. If you don’t like and don’t want it, then voice your preferences to your wife. She should not be doing something to you that you do not like, even if she likes it.

    This is going to change woman to woman. Each is going to have their own reasons.

    It might be a dominance thing. It might be a hey I heard stimulating your prostate feels great thing. It might be that she is an ass-woman just like there are ass-men and she just likes playing with your ass. Who knows. Only she can answer this.

    But, no matter, if you don’t like it. Then tell her. And, she should respect that.

  8. My current GF was the first to do it to me. She asked. I was hesitant, but I’ve heard about the make g spot and no I’m not gay, so what the hell. The orgasm was insane, but up until the point, it felt like someone was rooting around my innards. I didn’t love it. But what I have found that I do love, is stimulation from the outside. Oh buddy, that feels amazing. She places the vibrator on the base of my perineum near the anus. as she’s going down on me. I have to actively try to not buck her off. Orgasming that way is so intense and pleasurable.

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