So I’ve been seeing this girl, and we kinda had a vibe except Friday we went out and she got kinda awkward when I dropped her off. I was getting a bit tired since it was late so I was kinda quiet at the end but it was like 2 am. Then two day later she texts me inviting me to go swimming at her place but I didn’t see it u till today and when o said that she just liked it in iMessage. Should I just consider it done and go back to tinder or should o continue to text her. We don’t text back and forth very often but I feel like I dropped the ball and it’s game over with this one.

  1. You can try to clear the air, open communication and see where it goes. You did drop the ball, but making communication a key point early on may fix this.

  2. Why would you read into it so heavily? Pick up the ball and just message her with another date idea for goodness sake. No one is always on their phone or can be expected to reply to every message all the time. Give yourself a break.

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