Men? Do you have female friendships. Do you consider them as good a friend as any guy? Why?

  1. Is this another “gotcha!” post? Or just some shitpost/trolling? Just because you might have having a hard time making male friends as a woman doesn’t mean that we are all like those guys.

  2. I’ve certainly had a couple girlfriends.

    Girlfriends are way better than guy friends, because I don’t want to have sex with my guy friends.

  3. Currently no, I’ve been somewhat isolated the last few years working and that’s had a falling out on my relationships. Hard to work night shift when everyone else works day.

    I’ve had great friendships with women previously.

  4. I don’t really have any friends.

    I have friendly acquaintances.

    Both men and women friendly acquaintances.

    Yes, they are treated the same usually.

  5. When I’m not attracted to them, I usually have better friendships with them than with guys. The problem is that I usually do fall in love with female friends and that complicates things.

  6. I have women friends who are just as good as my best guy friends. That is to say, we don’t hang out very often and I’m not sure if they actually like me. Womp womp

  7. Yeah I do

    Mainly online ones though (since I’m at an all boys high school)

    Yeah I’d consider them friends even though we don’t talk much as we used to

  8. My best friend is a woman. I generally get along better with women. I introduced her to her fiancé.

  9. Yes and yes. I do have female friends and I do value their friendship greatly. As to why? Because one of them is easily among the funniest people I’ve ever met in my life. You can be absolutely steaming and hurt and every other negative emotion at once and she’ll point out some absurd way of viewing the situation that makes you laugh so hard you ache.

    Another is a person I admire greatly. She’s insightful, gives excellent advice, and is the kind of friend you can just enjoy time with without having to do a thing. I figure I owe her a great deal for helping me through a very difficult year of my life with her calming influence. And yet another is, a she would put it herself, ‘a complete mess of a human being’ but she’s also a great one and a great friend. She’ll be there for you in a time of need and she’ll tell you straight when you’re in the wrong and need to fix yourself. That’s a valuable thing to have in a friend.

    You can absolutely have friendships with women. Quality ones that you cherish. It’s not that hard, you just have to create a space in your brain that many men don’t figure out until later in life. A category for people who you can acknowledge are aesthetically appealing and with whom you connect, but who are not potential romantic partners. Boom. There you go. Now you can have female friends without being a creep about it.

  10. I don’t consider them better because of certain things.

    For example, my guys have my back and I expect them to be with me if an altercation happens. Women are more than likely not going to get involved. There’s just certain things that males friends do that women in general can’t.

    That’s just my experience though.

  11. I have quite some. My best friend is a girl but the other ones aren’t as good a friend as my guy friends because we usually just don’t share the same interests. And I kinda feel like I can’t say everything I’d say to my guy friends like insulting each other jokingly. That’s mostly because I’ve just never seen them do it and they’re always so nice and friendly to everyone lol and I’d feel bad if i suddenly started insulting people even if it’s only a joke

  12. Right now? Likely have a couple female acquaintances that are a bit closer than my closest male acquaintances, but that ain’t saying a lot. Don’t think I have anyone I’d qualify as a good friend for a decade plus or even two. If I want to count on someone some family members are the only ones I’d put in that category.

    Best friends and most friends in my youth and young adult times were always guys.

  13. I have female acquaintances, mainly people who’re a part of my extended friend circle or tied to my job in some way. I don’t have any close female friends, nor do I particularly feel like I need any close female friends.

    I don’t really know why. I’ve always been a ‘guy’s guy’, I feel a kinship with my fellow man and I enjoy bonding with people who have similar perspectives and experiences to myself and some of that comes from people who share a common background. There are things other guys may look at uniquely by virtue of their experience as men, and mutual interests more common among men. I’ve always bonded with male friends easier than women.

    The women I’m personally close to (my girlfriend, mother, sister-in-law, niece, etc) tend to be more than enough for me.

  14. Nope. It is too easy to cross the line, even emotionally. Only women I am close to is my wife and female relatives. I am not in Alabama, so no chance of romance with relatives.

  15. Truth be told, I no longer have any female friends. I had loads back in college and uni, but they slowly slipped away. A good female friend just stopped replying to my messages after she repaid the money she owed me. She only seemed to rekindle our friendship after finding out I was working, but I ignored it as I thought better of her.

    Now, as a grown man with only male friends, I can’t say I care enough. Whilst I like to think I was always a good friend to my female friends, I was always friend-zoned by them. I often used to think about them as they were good looking. Truth be told, they were good to me and I quite like that they appreciated my humour.

    All my guy friends now are some of the best people I know. They’ve been with me through thick and thin, and I’ve had many meetups with them which have resulted in chest pain due to the amount we’ve laughed.

  16. Most of my best friends have all been women. They are deeply rewarding relationships that I wouldn’t trade for anything

  17. No, no friendships female or male. However when I did I’ve had both female and male best friends.

  18. Overall I’ve had more male friends than female friends in my life but right now for context-related reasons the majority of my friends are women. Yes, they are as good a friend as any guy. At the personal level, the type of friendship is not much different tbh. If my experience generalizes, I’d say female friends are more likely to come to you to vent or for emotional support than male friends. But other than that the differences are more a personality kind of thing than a gender kind of thing.

  19. My whole life, I can honestly say that I’ve only had about eight or nine true friends (most people in my life are no more than friendly acquaintances) outside of my family, and three of those have been women. One broke my heart and hasn’t spoken to me since 2016, one is a super sweet girl who I know I can trust with anything, and the third is my current girlfriend, who is incredible in every possible way. I don’t want to imagine life without either of those two, especially my girlfriend. Anyone who says that guys can’t be in relationships and have female best friends is a fool and is seriously missing out, especially if both of them are good friends with each other.

  20. My female friends are in relationships with my guy friends but there is clearly more honesty and relaxation when its just the boys

  21. 75% of my friends are women. And no, they’re not friendzone girls.

    And yes, they’re attractive, but I’m very picky with girls so, it was never like that.

    Do I consider them as good a friend as a dude? TBH, I think I get along with women better.

    I used to have a lot of guy friends in high school and college, like 50/50 dude/girls.

    But my guy friends from HS and college were both TOXIC AF. You know the type… they try to hit on any girl you bring to hang out.

    In college, I started hanging out with these dudes in my class on the first week of school… and I brought this girl I met during freshman orientation (and went on 2 dates with) to hang out with everyone. She tells me later on that they told her I was a date rapist and they tried to get her to break up with me.

    Ever since then, I stopped hanging out with too many dudes.

    People keep saying dudes are drama free while girls aren’t… but I’ve had the opposite experience TBH.

    I’m closer to my girl friends than I am my guy friends.

    TBH, I’d only have female friends if they were into “guy stuff” more. When I wanna go camping, fishing, lift, play basketball/soccer, I’m usually only with my dude friends since the girls are usually uninterested.

  22. I pretty much only have female friends, but that’s because I don’t try to initiate friendships while women do, and women seem to like having me as a friend. Had guy friends growing up in school but we’re all spread apart and so I haven’t talked to anyone there in years.

    I never really engaged in too much meaningful conversations with guys. Maybe it was my age but even then, as a teen, I probably had more meaningful conversations with the one girl I was friends with than any guy. So probably better friends in some ways with these women than I was with a man.

  23. My best friend is a girl. On average tho excluding my home girl, I find it easier to cut loose with guys than with women.

  24. i dont have any friends, women seem to want the best for you and sometimes try and help, not had this from guys, but then i likely am not the best to advise for this

  25. Have had one since age 14, am 51 now. She’s the one person that at 3 am could call and say I need to dispose of a body and I would say, be there in 5. Zero questions. I would put a rifle in her hands and know if anyone got me from behind, she’s dead. No men make that list.

  26. >Do you have female friendships



    >Do you consider them as good a friend as any guy?




    My guys share a longer history with me, supported me more in the past when I hit a rough patch and generally understand the male experience of life since they have gone through them themselves.

  27. I’m much closer and more willing to be open with my female friends than my male friends.

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