I am noticing that I don’t get hard to women anymore but have been single for my whole life I do know that I do like them as in I would fall in love but lately I haven’t been getting hard to the sight of a naked woman or even thinking about sexual things a women would do to me

  1. It is all about one question. Do you find yourself sexually attracted to guys? If so, you are gay or bi at least.

  2. Are you getting mentally aroused but not physically aroused?

    It could be any number of things. Desensitized from porn, a blood pressure issue, diabetes, weight gain, just getting older, depression, lack of exercise or healthy diet…

    Have a chat with your doctor.

  3. Unless u wana fuck guys or date them you’re not gay. It’s completely normal to have a fluctuating sex drive. Watching less porn may help though

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