Any suggestions on how to introduce a husband to the concept of doing some of the emotional labor of a relationship? As in asking questions about how I’m doing emotionally, initiating convos about the state of the relationship, about tough situations or topics that have happened or need to be addressed. Or even opening up himself. I’m so burned out from doing the work for both of us and trying to nudge him, and I’ve flat out told him I’m burned out and explained this to him. I sat him down and had an honest discussion and explained how I’m feeling. He says he’s been working hard at opening up and bringing up conversations, and some has improved but it’s almost too little too late. I’m so done that I’m completely disassociating and I have this ball of anxiety and stress that I feel myself stonewalling. I stopped initiating conversation in almost a week, and we have barely talked this whole time. He says he misses me and doesn’t feel great, and I respond to him and ask him to tell me about how he’s doing but then it never goes anywhere. His actions aren’t adding up to what he’s saying. I’ve looked back at some old journaling I did and i realized I’ve felt this way our entire marriage. I’m at the end of my rope. I can’t force him to be more emotionally intelligent but I can’t exist like this.

He seems aware that something is wrong and initiates physical touch and isn’t ignoring me, but does little things to be sweet but I feel like a mom trying to guide their kid to the right answer. I don’t know what to do anymore.

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