you can only figure out so much about someone by asking where they’re from or what their favorite music is, there’s more to people than hiking and having a lot of cats, i don’t believe anyone is truly boring, i think we just ask the wrong questions to see what people are really like. this sounds weird but i want to know when the last time you cried was, i want to know what you would do with immortality, i want to know what meaning you think life has if any, but i cant do that right way and idk how long to wait.

1 comment
  1. Having a list of questions and trying to figure out how long to wait is the wrong way to think about it IMO. Trying to think of what interesting questions can be asked from the current conversation topic is more fruitful. You can get to talking about the meaning of life, immortality, and the last time they cried on the first conversation if you have the right set up topics/questions.

    Ideally, instead of having a sequential list of questions, you should have easy questions that open up to deeper more complicated conversation topics and questions. Also, open questions are better than pointed questions as they feel more like a conversation and less like an interview.

    One of my favorite questions if the person has moved between countries or across the country at any point in their life, is asking about culture shocks they experienced during the move. This is an open question that can open up talks about values, strong memories, and some life goals.

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