My girlfriend and I have been dating for a few months, so, understandably, we don’t live together, but we live in the same city. We usually spend weekends together, but don’t usually hang out on weeknights because she has a demanding early morning job on weekdays near her house that would be very inconvenient to travel from my house.

Do you text during the work day?

Not *how* does one stay in touch with a SO during the work week if you don’t live together, but more like what is your preferred mode of communication and how often.

  1. I think it depends what you guys agree on. I see my boyfriend twice a week. We both make an effort to meet each other. Sometimes he will visit my area of town, or I will go to his place. If something comes up, we’ll just reschedule , and respect each other’s space. As for texting, in the beginning we used to text a lot. Now it’s died down, which is fine by me since I know he’s mine. 😌
    Now it’s just random messages like random photos/memes, I miss you, or cant wait to see you.

  2. I’ve been seeing the guy I’m dating (we’re exclusive but I’m not sure about using the term bf) for a couple months and due to our respective schedules typically we can only meet once a week. He’s also not big on texting, I like texting but I usually keep it minimal and will send maybe a couple Instagram posts during our time apart. We usually chat a little bit before making plans for the next week, that’s it.

  3. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year, and we live a 15 minute drive away from each other. We spend 3-4 weekday evenings and most of every weekend together. That probably sounds like a lot, but he moved to this city in February and I moved here in July, so I don’t really have friends here yet. We hang out basically every day that he doesn’t have plans with his friends. When we’re at work, we’ll usually just send a couple texts back and forth asking how work’s going and planning logistics for seeing each other later.

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