I had a failure. Didnt want to show it,unless it was erect.
Stress made that difficult tho.
Then i tought foreplay will make it hard.
Stress was stronger.
So i didnt remove my pants.
But,how can you go full throttle with a tiny flaccid with the confidence of it being a wrecking machine?

  1. Step one: learn to become comfortable with your penis regardless of it’s present state. The anxiety is what caused the lack of performance, so to speak. Anxiety is conquered by confidence. Booster that.

  2. I assume that my partner knows basic human anatomy. If not they are going to learn quickly.

    Plus, I really like to kiss and make out before cloths come off, that generally does the job.

  3. You’re psyching yourself out learn the growers needs it can grow to mighty lengths 😀

  4. You can decide not to show it when flaccid, you kiss her and move slower, touch her and get in the mood, it’ll get erect once ur comfortable.. also, women dont judge your manliness by your size, especially not flaccid size..

  5. Most of my male partners have been growers. This obsession and fear is just ridiculous. Many penises change size. Most women are aware of this. Any woman who isn’t familiar with this is likely pretty inexperienced.

    Honestly, I like when my fwb is soft. It feels different in my mouth and I genuinely like how that feels. But aside from that, I feel like a champion because I can fit the whole thing in my mouth (which I can’t do when he’s hard).

  6. If it helps at all, most women do not care about how big your dick is when it’s flaccid. We are very aware that a flaccid penis is typically small regardless of how it may grow.

  7. I’m a grower, not a shower. I don’t have any confidence issues about it because once it’s hard, I know my partner will be impressed. I’ve always been pretty confident about my own body though. I take pride in knowing I have a really nice cock.

    Imo grower is better than shower because then you never know how big it will actually get. It’s more mysterious

  8. I don’t care what it looks like. As long as it’s attached to the man I love, it’s healthy, disease free and he knows how to use it.

    Everything else doesn’t matter

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