I think I’ve been dumped and just overthinking here what I did wrong. I hope I can get some advice here to clear my head. It will sound clingy coz that’s the kind of person I am if I like someone but I try not to be suffocating in actual.

I dated this guy for a month and the time we spent together were great and I felt we have a connection even if I still felt insecure about being with him. He doesn’t give me the attention I need but when we do spend time together every week it feels like we’re the only people in the world. Then I went on a trip outside the US that I planned with my friends before I started dating the guy. I didn’t try to get him on whatsapp since I feel like I’m overstepping and he did not offer too. A day before the trip he was sweet and wished me well but three days into the tour I noticed he unmatched me. I could not get in touch with him until I got back to the US. When I did, I just texted “Hi” to get a feel of things and his response was a curt “How was Europe?”. He did not respond to my next question of how he was. After a while, I asked him if he is still interested in seeing each other but he has not responded. I guess he ghosted me. Should I attempt another text to ask if something is wrong? Or is this clearly ghosting. I feel like with the time we spent together, he at least owe me an explanation.

  1. Sorry to say this but it was only a month he owes you nothing. You probably just aren’t the right person for him and that’s OK you’ll find someone else who actually is

  2. I would not reach out again. It may be rough, but he’d reach out if he was still interested in seeing each other.

    >He doesn’t give me the attention I need

    I know you also said the time you spent together was good, but make sure you remind yourself of this statement. If you’re early in a relationship and not getting the attention you feel you need, it may be a sign that you will not be fully happy in the long run. Sure, people can change, but there also may be someone out there who is everything you dream about from the start 🙂

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