First a little backstory, my current gf was my ex for roughly 4 years. We dated back in high school for a little bit, but due to going away for college we chose to break up.

In the meantime, we both saw other people, but we chose to get back together after she broke up with her ex bf. Things have been going great, we never fight or even argue. However, her ex interferes with our relationship quite a bit.

Over the course of her relationship with him, she developed a friendship with his sister. A friendship that continues on even though they broke up. Her ex and his sister tend to not get along very well. His sister mentally helped my gf after they broke up. (He was kinda psychotic) Her ex does not like them being friends and asks them to stop talking to each other frequently.

Her ex(M18) continues to interfere with our relationship and I don’t know how much more I can take. When we first got together, he would stalk us wherever we went. Eventually this stopped, but I would get DMs from him quite often. We happened to cross paths with him at a local gas station, however nothing came of it since I just walked away and we left. He would kinda threaten me saying he knows where I live.

Most recently though he posted a picture on a social media site which was sent to me. The picture was him sitting in his car outside of my place of work. For reference, I don’t work in a very large town so when I am leaving work not many people are around.

I’m not too scared that he’s going to do anything to me, just because he hasn’t before and he’s quite the p***y. It is just getting to be annoying and I don’t know what to do. I can’t place blame on my girlfriend since she doesn’t do anything to antagonize him. I also don’t do anything to anger him in any away aside from dating his ex.

Personally, I think it would be best if my gf would stop being friends with his sister and just remove herself from the situation. If that doesn’t work, I’m not sure where to turn next. Any suggestions on how to deal with him or make him stop?

  1. Where do you get the idea your girlfriend not talking to his sister will prevent him from stalking the two of you? Especially if, as you say, he is kind of psychotic? Get a restraining order. Confront him. Ignore him. Try to get his friends and family to call him out in his behavior. There’s a lot of direct options that would likely yield better results.

  2. If he has literally threatened you, or depending on the content of the DMs (I hope you saved them), you could get a restraining order to stay a certain distance away from you and your gf. It’s probably also a good idea if she tones down her time with the sister, though they could still stay in touch.

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