I’m not a very social person and have trouble meeting new people, I always feel like I’m unwelcome and unwanted around others. I’m always expecting others to approach me first but this hasn’t been working at all.

I’m currently abroad on holiday by myself and have been going to the night club daily for 5 days and just standing around bopping my head and having drinks. Until yesterday I read a post here about counting up to 3 and just saying fuck it, before doing something that makes you nervous. I saw a girl by herself and approached her at the club, straight away I invited her to dance. It took a lot of guts on my part, being the way I am.

It was the best decision I made, we straight away started dancing in the middle of the club, even thought I’ve never danced before, other people around me cheered us on and it was the opposite of what I thought would happen.

The girl I met didn’t even speak any of my languages and we still had the most fun just hanging around and going back to her room.

15 mins before this happened, I went back to my room and was thinking about just staying in my room and watching a movie and that I had no chance to have fun here myself. Last second I decided to head back into the club.

I don’t know exactly the moral of this story other than to just to take every chance you can, the 20 seconds it took me to approach her were terrible, in my head I was afraid of rejection but done what someome here posted few days ago, I counted to 3 and gave myself no more time to think about it, straight away forced myself to walk over there and introduce myself.

I’m disappointed it took me 24 years to realize nothing really matters and the best thing you can do is not care about what others think of you, the best part about this is the next day, this logic stuck with me. Overnight my confidence flew right up.

Count to 3 and do what you want to do, don’t give yourself even a second to think about what you’re doing, force it and the fear will disappear instantly. It’s as simple as it sounds.

Thanks to whoever made that post, so simple yet so effective.

Good luck guys.

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