So me (F,26) and my bf (M,27) decided to sign up on bumble bff together few months back (we have a serious shortage of friends so we thought it would be great to make some friends)! My profile had our pictures together and it was clearly mentioned that I’m in a relationship. I never checked his bumble to see how his profile looked as I trust him. I made a (girl) friend and we instantly connected and we even met in a cafe (I deleted my profile after that). My bf said that he was unsuccessful in finding anyone and he has deleted his profile! I didn’t think much about it after that!
Fast forward two months I saw a charge on his Apple ID which said that he was a subscriber of bumble for 2 months consecutively! It was a red flag for me! I didn’t prefer to ask him anything because I didn’t want to alert him! I asked one of my friends to sign up on bumble and see if she finds him on it!
After hundreds of left swipes, we finally found him! His profile was in dating mode and he had no mention of being in a relationship and no pictures of us whatsoever!
I haven’t confronted him about this yet! My friend has dropped him a message on bumble to see if he replies! So I’m kinda waiting to know what will happen about that!
We have been together for 7 years and this is utterly heartbreaking

  1. Oooohhh. This could be juicy.. i don’t know what else to say. Clearly he is lying. And i don’t think he can make any good reason for what he had done other than trying to find someone else that he may have a connection with while keeping you in the loop.
    Trust issues 📈📈

  2. Sounds like he’s a piece of crap unfortunately. Not sure why you’re waiting to bait him into doing what he’s already obviously doing though.

  3. I think you should bring it up to him. See what he says. This is clearly not okay. Who knows if he’s been on it longer than 2 months.

  4. I once found my boyfriend at the time on a dating site and he had messaged women. Turns out he was on many dating sites. Stupid him he left his iPad out and signed into a site. He got a text on his phone and a message on the site and that was synced with his iPad which at the time I was using. I got my jacket and handbag and immediately left his place. I do not tolerate cheating. Yes it’s cheating.

  5. That essentially the 7 year itch. You two need a calm sit-down (no yelling) to take it back to the basics.

  6. 7 years, no proposal, and he’s on bumble (an app where women message you first)…

    Honestly, what are you even doing with him?

  7. why can’t you talk to someone you’ve been with 7 years? he’s on Bumble, you’re sure he will lie. Why are you wasting time?

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