Hello all,

Everyone seems to tell me that it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown, but I guess I’m a weight lifter in that department because my neutral face is a frown. When I smile, you can kind of see it from the edges as it curls upward, but for the most part my lips look straight. I don’t think that it helps when my eyebrows give off this “angry” look.

I feel like I’ve done a fair amount of research to give off an outgoing vibe (body language, hygiene, wit) but I’m simply not getting the same results that others appear to pull off seamlessly. Some apologize, some joke that they’re just teasing, and some aren’t aware when I’m teasing, too!

I don’t think I’m ready to accept that this is what I am so far, but I am leaning towards the option of giving up / apathy at this point. Is there a rule you go by when meeting peers or new people?

1 comment
  1. I simply got tired of that painful feeling when you try to return a joke or some small talk, and someone apologizes; I don’t try anymore to correct my face or compensate for it.

    After trying to change it for around a decade, I just can’t try anymore.

    I wanna say that by being an active listener and making eye contact, letting people know you’re listening and interested in them, maybe you’ll have better luck. But I don’t know. I just know that trying to compensate by acting *even happier/friendlier* doesn’t work.

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