I was feeling quite introspective this morning and was wondering if anyone had a story they’d like to share.

I was called a hypocrite by a close friend. 2 years ago when I was finishing up med school and graduating, I saw a patient who was a borderline type 2 diabetic at 27 years old. I spoke with them regarding diet and exercise and my friend called me out later that day saying “how can you tell people to diet and exercise when you don’t take care of yourself all that well, that’s kind of hypocritical isn’t it? ”

Since then I decided to put more effort into my health and well-being and now 2 years and 50 pounds lost later I’m in the best shape of my life again.

Anyone else experience anything similar? I’d love to hear it!

  1. My fiancé

    She’s made more of a man out of me than my own father brother and guy friends. Definitely a better person cause of her

  2. I always was not really successfull with women despite being physically attractive and quite intelligent (or so I was told)

    Talking about this issue with a girl online she told me, that this is no wonder since I was always stone cold logic in the face of every situation without ever taking into account the emotional perspective or ever opening up about my self even in the slightest bit.

    5 years married to her now.

  3. Just want to say good for you.

    It’s great that you took the feedback constructively. A lot of people can’t do that.

    And it’s great that you got into shape.

  4. I felt the exact same way counseling my patients on diet and exercise. Lost 25 lbs and counting this year.

    Yeah definitely in other areas as well. If someone criticizes me I try to first assess if it’s true or not. If it is, so be it.

  5. I overheard one of my friends in high school say “he never says sorry”, It was true and at the time I was very insecure about myself. It made me start to think about how I affect others regardless of my own condition, I came to realize that I was so good at hiding my true deprecated sense of self and loneliness that I was just appearing like a narcissist.

  6. 10 years ago, I read the Cracked article titled “6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person.” At the time I was 22 years old with no job, no skills, out of shape and no money, living with my mother and playing video games all day. I hated myself, but couldn’t understand why. That article showed me why; I hated myself because I didn’t do anything or did anything to achieve my goals.

    Decided to buy a cheap pair of sneakers and ran almost every day for 3 months, and joined the Navy. Best decision I ever made. Now I’m working a very good job and on my way to move south to buy land to build a house on.

  7. Other priorities can take a back seat when you’re in medical school. Once you finish, you might very well have to make up for lost time.

  8. Yes!

    I’m big into evolving myself and it’s really pronounced with the women I’m interested in. I think the best example was when a woman I was interested in said “you really know your way around [my hometown]!” The thing is, I didn’t. So o decided I would change that. I begin going on walks until I would get lost and have to find my way back home. It was fun and challenging. And I ended up actually knowing my way around my hometown. The best thing about it is that I figured out that walks is a stress reliever for me.

    I think the funniest thing is that she never knew about any of this. She probably just said it to be nice, but it actually made me a better person.

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