Are there any other food combos that you think should be banned?

  1. My girlfriend thinks so but whenever I went to an Indian restaurant we always had chips with it so it is all I know!

  2. Not a sin, but not as cultured or refined as chips and mushy peas, either.

  3. Chinese curry? No. Indian curry? Yes.

    Don’t ask me why this double standard exists though.

  4. Chips and curry is an amazing combination.

    Always with rice too, though.

    Also, chilli with chips.

  5. When I played in an away skittles match against the Indian Club in town, the
    after-match meal was always (excellent) curry … and chips from the chippie round the corner. One of the most popular fixtures in the league – great bunch of lads and we always ate well!

  6. Brown person here, anyone reading this has my permission to have chips with their curry, free from sin. Enjoy.

  7. Not a sin but their chips usually aren’t very good. We got them once and they were just McCain crinkle cut fries. From a Chinese they are always good though. It is just another carb, too much rice gets a bit much so it pads it out. It is not like the rest of the meal is very traditional in the first place.

  8. I’m not big on rice, so it wouldn’t bother me… though tbh I might not want the chips either… and I can’t have naan bread because I can’t have gluten haha

  9. Curry Sauce from the chippy is boss.

    I’m also a fan of Dinaclass curry sauce, stuff comes out like a radioactive goop

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