Because in reality, nobody does that. People meet new friends through friends they already know. It makes people uncomfortable and weirded out to have a stranger talk to them. Talking to strangers will make them want to get away from you, not draw to you.

  1. All my life I thought it was weird that my mom would always go out of her way to talk to people in line, sitting near us, etc. I now realize talking to strangers means you’re a kind and friendly person. Don’t talk to people expecting anything to happen. I’ve been practicing this to improve my social skills and no, most people aren’t weirded out. If they are, who cares that’s their problem and you probably don’t want them as a friend anyways. You do have to consider the situation and don’t be super weird, but generally people will at least humor you. If you have even a shred of confidence and charisma you’ll have a pleasant experience even if it’s just a short exchange and you’ve got some social skills experience. You probably think people are weirded out because YOU would find it weird for a stranger to talk to you. It’s not that weird, humans are inherently social.

  2. Yeah, people do that. If you don’t want to that’s fine, but I’ll keep doing it and having interesting conversations with random people

    Last week I talked to a guy on the train about his violin and how he hopes to play in an orchestra and shit. Good stuff

  3. no unless the person is in a rush. Most People are afraid of being rude u know.

    I dont talk to strangers either but if someone is showing interest with their eyes or i find them interesting and are near by, i give a compliment or ask them a question about something and build from there.

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