I met this girl in middle school and she was an ok friend, we both grew apart and then junior year last year we became friends again. She not a very nice person, she talks badly about people she doesn’t know all the time and I’ve tried asking her to stop but she always says stuff like “yea but they suck” which they do but I don’t wanna think ab their negativity all the time. She also makes small lies all of the time because she thinks it’s fun and when you call her out on it she’ll either laugh and forget about it, or be really stubborn about it. I don’t want to be friends w her anymore, but I got some of my friends through her and she’s sits next to me in math class. I just don’t want my last year to suck because I have to deal with being her friend.
What should I do?

  1. Stop entertaining most, if not all, contact from them. People best respond to actions, not words.

  2. Well you could start by setting firm boundaries like,’If you talk about this again I’m going to walk away.’ Or something a little less harsh, that was just the first thing that popped into my head lol. It seems like you’ve already tried speaking up for yourself. Some people have to learn the hard way to care about others boundaries/feelings unfortunately.

    You can either stop hanging out with them, give excuses, avoid her. Maybe she’ll get the hint, it’s not the best way though. In addition to leaving her hurt and confused it might bring up drama if you have mutual friends.
    Or you could be honest, tell her how you feel. and then, if she doesn’t care or makes up excuses it’s her loss. Now at least she knows why you don’t want to be her friend anymore.
    If you guys have mutual friends, I’d talk to them about how her lying and harmful gossiping first, maybe they’ll understand where you’re coming from if she starts trash talking you in retaliation.

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