I seem to have this unhealthy obsession/addiction of needing to drink fizzy drinks! A few years ago I was worse than I am now and ‘challenged’ myself and didn’t drink any fizzy for a month.

Over time, my fizzy consumption as crept back up but this past month or so has been horrendous. I’ve been buying fizzy secretly, having silly amounts throughout the day. I know it’s stupid and silly but I cannot seem to stop buying or drinking.

Any ideas that might help me stop being a secret fizzy drinker.

  1. Drink fizzy mineral waters to cut the need for the flavor and keep a water bottle around so you can ween yourself over to the water.

  2. If you’re looking to curb your fizzy drink addiction, there are a few things you can do. First, try cutting back on how much soda you’re drinking each day. Instead of having multiple sodas, have one or two small glasses. Secondly, make sure you’re staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Lastly, avoid sugary drinks altogether by opting for unsweetened tea, coffee, or water instead.

  3. Well, I don’t know how to break it but if you want to cut down on sugary soda try sparkling mineral water/club soda. I found that I don’t actually like soda like coca-cola and Dr pepper, I just really like the bubbles

  4. The best is just not to have any in the house.

    If you’re out and about, you can have one, but you can’t bring it home.

    Kinda like redheads.

  5. So I assume by Fizzy drinks you mean sodas.

    There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a LaCroix or a Spindrift or whatever.

    Soda addiction for me was a cold turkey quit. It really sucked. Felt genuinely sick after ahout a week from the sudden drop in sugar and caffeine consumption.

    I tried to quit twice before with the caveat id still have them on holidays.

    Then it went from holidays to holidays and birthdays

    Then holidays birthdays and weekends.

    Then only when eating out or at a gathering.

    Then anytime I ate out.

    Then all the time.

    Had to go cold turkey to get away from them. It was a legitimate addiction for me

  6. Everyone is saying carbonated water which is 100% correct but the trick is to have it readily available. The trick is to buy a soda stream, those portable ones. That’s how I got over my sugary soda drink addiction.

  7. I have a very fussy taste in food & drink, I don’t enjoy many drinks or foods no more, I’ve tried to cut back on Coke & it’s hard, Coke Zero I can have now & then, I’ve kind of replaced it all with coffee though, I just don’t enjoy a lot of drinks or foods anymore.

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