In my local, my regular ‘party trick’ to new people that come in is to flip my eyelids around so you see the red side of the eye lid. I learnt how to do this in school and do it at least a couple of times a week. The response is fairly mixed though: most, I’d say, are impressed (and some actually offer to buy me a drink), but some just kind of ignore it or don’t say anything. I’ve not yet found anyone that can flip their eyelids, although quite a few have tried.

When was the last time you saw someone flip their eyelids? What was your response/impressed level?

  1. 15 years ago or maybe more. Only ever known my oldest brother to do it. He’d do it to make my mum sick as she hated it.

  2. I can do it…

    So we meet at last…

    There can only be one…

    *flips eyelids. picks up a pool noodle*

    It’s time…

  3. I wouldn’t be impressed by an adult acting like an 8 year old, but I’d probably go “oh wow!” to be nice.

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