We used to be super close and talked about everything and always shared any news and events going on in our lives but lately we haven’t been doing any of it. Okay, you may think that I am petty… But I just found out today that she is seeing a guy, and I’m like all yay for that good on her I’m happy for her. But it turns out that everyone had known she was seeing him alr and its been a month or so and I’m the only person that didn’t know.

Like I feel so shitty knowing that she didn’t tell me anything at all and I had to find out through other people. Like aren’t u supposed to tell ur best friend all this? or are we no longer friends. I’m not pissed about her not telling me about the guy she’s seeing just more so the fact that she didn’t tell me anything and she told everyone else but me and I had to find out through others.

Is this a sign that we’re no longer besties? Do I stop being friends with her or do we still remain as friends just not as close anymore? Am I being too petty

  1. If you’re a girl typing, then Idk what to say, bht if you’re a guy who posted this, read along. Most boyfriends (including me) do not trust guy friends. He probably laid the law down that he won’t tolerate guy friends, so she is being submissive and doing just that by cutting off guy friends. She herself may even believe she should not have guy friends while with a man, or it could be a mix of both! Either way its clear at least one of them is against opposite best friends while dating, or in a relationship idk how serious they are. But that’s it. Don’t be mad at the fact you’re slipping out the picture, you just have to respect what they have going on. If you a guy and your friends are girls, be ready to backdown when she finds her man. Now she may have not formally told you this, because women can be afraid of confrontation and she didn’t want to straight forward say “You not my bestie anymore because bla bla bla”

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