After all those years and lots and lots of experience have you discovered the real meaning of success?
What is success in your opinion?

  1. I don’t think in terms of concepts like this as applied generally to life.

    “Success” is a fine word, but it is only applicable in the context of some objective. If your objective is to open a bottle of Moxie soda, then success would be when you pry the bottle cap off.

    Given different people have different life objectives, there is no “real meaning of success” in the way you are asking about.

    That said, my goals are basically to be a happy, healthy non-jerk.

  2. Varies by the individual. Some people measure it by career or earnings or attractiveness of partner or how their kids do in school, etc. Others by simple contentment, satisfaction, happiness, etc. And of course there’s a lot of overlap. All that really matters is whether someone feels successful enough by their own definition of the term.

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