If you could restart in your 20’s what field would you go into?

  1. Every generation has a field that turns out to be insanely profitable.

    I turned 20 in 1998. I called it correctly. I knew it would be dot coms.

    And that’s the field I went into – and then the company I worked for went belly-up – and then I went into biotech. Thinking that would be the next big thing.

    And it will. Biotech and robotics will be the next big thing. The problem is, I jumped the gun. I thought they’d be the next big thing in 2010 when in fact they’ll be the next big thing in 2035.

  2. Would invest about 20 dollars into bitcoin and then fuck around on credit card debt for the next 10 years.

  3. I’d still go into IT, but I would have studied Comp Science or something related in college. Even today now that I’m fully established in my career, I feel like I’m playing catchup against guys who are better at programming than me with my English Lit degree.

  4. Well I’m still in my 20’s right now. Currently I’m studying microbiology to become a psychiatrist or DO. I don’t think I’d change anything to be honest. Maybe I’d switch it to computer science, but even there I’m not sure. I do like python and salesforce 👍

  5. Landscaping. I wanted to be a vet tech, but the courses were too expensive, and while i finished the first year, the second year they tripled tuition for the program, and i couldnt finish it.

    Landscaping was something i had always enjoyed, and now, at 32, i feel like i missed out on a huge chance.

  6. If you mean 30 years ago…real estate. If you mean now but I’m younger…I have no idea because the environment keeps shifting, (but not medicine)

  7. Cybersecurity. I know a few guys my age who got into that before the big data breaches started making the news.

    Because they already had some real experience when every company with an internet connection started ramping up their data security, their careers all took off like crazy. One dude didn’t even have a degree, he’d had a computer repair business out of his garage and lucked into a couple gigs setting up networks for small businesses. That was enough experience to get him into a manager position in cybersecurity at some midsized healthcare company. They offered him way more than he was making on his own so he sold the repair business and started moving on up. Dude went from barely making it to buying a bigger house in a nicer city and sending his kids to private school in a year.

  8. I’d need to go back two more years. I fucked up starting college at 18 and my instructor quite half way through.

  9. I would do medicine and residency again which is why I would hate to restart my 20s. 30s has been much better

  10. I’d stay in the same field… information security, as I have been the last 20odd years

    It’s lucrative, interesting, and in-demand…so I wouldn’t change a thing!

  11. Computer science or engineering. Studied biochemistry and it required a masters to make a livable wage. The amount of work put in versus the amount of money received just isn’t worth it.

  12. By some kind of dumb luck the field I chose as a 15 year old in school has been pretty bloody good. I’m an industrial Electrician/ instrument tech(not very good instro tech to be honest). Anyway the end of my apprenticeship coincided with probably the biggest mining boom nearly anywhere in the world where I live(West Oz). (I was getting paid easily $2000 a week in early 2000s, some jobs $3000 in my early 20s). There was that much work around that I was able to travel extensively (went to South America 3 times, 6 months each time) and still come back to work. Anyway i’m now in my 40s and have had steady really good paying jobs ever since. I currently work a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off roster so have plenty of spare times. I’m very grateful for my 15 year old dumb luck.

  13. Not teaching, I’ll tell you that! Maybe if learn to clean rugs by the time I got up to this age I’d be good enough to have one of those rug cleaning YouTube/Tiktok pages

  14. Pilot. I am in IT and doing well but always wanted to be a Pilot but never went for it.

  15. Marine Biology, get to spend my life swimming and scuba diving for an actually good cause

  16. Probably researching Nuclear Fusion. Always been inspired by space exploration and nuclear fusion rocketry is the next step after we get nuclear fusion here on earth. It’ll be what we need to actually efficiently explore the cosmos, since chemical rockets aren’t going to cut it.

    I’m a pilot now, and it’s a lot of fun and it pays well, so I can’t complain too much.

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