Is it normal that i feel extremely upset and cry when my husband scolds me infront of his friends and family?

  1. This is not acceptable behavior on his part. All criticism should be held in private and be constructive. Is this a normal occurrence? Does he stop/show concern when this results in you crying? How do his friends and family react?

  2. Yes it is, and you are allowed to have feelings and to express them. The bigger question is why are none of his friends and family calling him out for it.

  3. You aren’t his child. If there’s something bothering him then it’s a private conversation. You are an adult and you should be treated as an adult.

  4. Checkout u/ebbie45. She’s a counselor who’s posted some great information. Good luck.

  5. Your husband is not your parent and you are not a child. He should not scold you ever, either in front of others or privately.

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