(17F) For further context, I have autism (or some would call it “aspergers” I guess) and don’t have many irl friends. although I find that a lot of the social traits of autism don’t fit my experiences entirely (I believe I can understand sarcasm, body language, and social cues for the most part, I’m also normally not blunt and if anything I’m overly nice) I am really shy and socially anxious and am often left out in social situations and I have no idea why. Is it because they somehow can tell I’m autistic? Is it because I’m unattractive? Is it because I don’t smoke or drink like everyone else my age? Idk!!! I get left out in groups and people ignore me when I try to talk, so I end up just not speaking at all. I feel like I’m not as cool as everyone else. I want advice on how I can improve my social skills. I don’t want people telling me to “just be myself” I want actual advice.

1 comment
  1. * Share your thoughts and feelings more. Accept that not everyone will like them. But opening up will create opportunities, because there will be people, who have something in common with you.

    * start writing a diary, in which you reflect your experiences and feelings

    * join different social groups, try out new hobbies and activities. There are many social groups, that actively seek members. Stepping a little bit out of your comfort zone will help you. Interacting a lot with people will over time give you social skills.

    * the worst thing you could do is isolating yourself and avoiding to express what is on your mind.

    * Sensitive people take a bit longer to find their place in life, but it will get better the older you get. You too will more and more find people, that can appreciate you.

    Good luck!

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