
So I have extreme social anxiety and this habit where I never initiate saying hi with anyone, even with friends or immediate family. I always wait for them to say hi or something, but I know that it can be seen as rude and stuff. I have trust issues and a fear of rejection that contribute to this. I’ve become too comfortable in being an introvert and not connecting more with the people I’m already friends with or putting myself out there. I want to change that because I’m in college. I’ve tried going to clubs, but it seems too intimidating to talk with anyone there because they all have their little groups already and seem to all know each other while I’m just the ‘odd one out’.

Basically I just want to know if anyone else has this issue or has had this issue and have overcome it.

I also just want to know how other people make friends so easily that they can hangout with in college

  1. Well, does it feel similar to how riding a bike once felt?
    If not (if it’s much more extreme), then a professional might need to help with anxiety issues.

  2. You put one foot in front of the other and when you come across a person you open your mouth and pronounce the sounds for H and I. Do you need further instructions?

  3. Omg I have this exact issue!! It’s so frustrating when making new friends cuz ik doing so might possibly ruin relations with people I want to get closer to. I’m also trying to stop the habit🥲🥲

  4. > How can I overcome the fear of saying hi to people/friends while walking by?

    By saying hi, regardless of how you feel about it.

  5. I once had a friend who went through this. He was introverted and had a lot of anxiety. He forced himself to introduce himself to everyone he met.

    “Hello, I’m Bob, this is my friend leek.”

    Conversations often just flowed from there. He went from almost friendless to having lots of friends!

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