After our first date almost a year ago I asked my current bf if he has ever had a GF before (I had a feeling he was like inexperienced somehow) and if he was was a virgin. He said ‘no’ to both.
Yet, fast forward almost a year now, he finally tells me about his past with other woman (there’s been no action in the bedroom with us and I didn’t understand). He said he had a ‘girlfriend’ throughout college but it was long distance and they ‘barely talked or saw each other’ (he was in LA and she was In SD), but sounds like they had sex like twice in those years and meet up at least still.

I feel like he keeps lying to me about himself and he made it sound like he’s never been with anyone just because they called it a relationship but it didn’t feel like one. That counts as a relationship to me. If you didn’t go after anyone else and if you stayed in that for ‘years’. I’m so upset with him and I feel duped and lied to when that’s the first thing I asked when getting to know him.
I guess I’m looking for advice on how to approach him on this and if I’m overreacting. The more I find out about him the more it doesn’t match what he’s trying to present out.

TLDR; bf lied about never having a relationship because it was long distance.

  1. This is how you approach someone you are becoming more and more uncomfortable with:

    “This relationship isn’t working for me anymore. I feel like you and I are not on the same page so I think it would be best for both of us if we went our separate ways.”

  2. You’ve been together a year I would say this is a speed bump unless there are other transgressions in your mind

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