For as long as I can remember, my wet dream orgasms have been very intense with multiple sets of intense involuntary contractions while ejaculating. It also feels emotionally and physically extremely satisfying.

In contrast, when I ejaculate while awake, whether masturbating or having intercourse, I only orgasm by ejaculating. There is a slight tightening and release when I ejaculate. There no intense contractions, not even one. It’s like a shadow of my wet dream orgasms. It feels good, there is release, but it is not at all close to the dream orgasms. I also think there is much less ejaculate.

This has always been the case. It is the same with different partners. I do not feel more aroused in my dreams than when awake. I do not orgasm prematurely when I am awake. I do not have any body issues. I do not feel uncomfortable around my partners. I am sex positive.

I would like to understand what is preventing me from orgasming while awake the same way I orgasm during a wet dream. Any thoughts?

  1. I’m the same, Been that way my whole life. Wet dream orgasms are earth shattering with explosive pulses approx 6-7 times. Wake ones are nice but just a build up of intense pressure and one release. Nice but meh by comparison

  2. Do you watch porn or masturbate regularly. Because it has been decades since i had a wet dream. I blame it on the porn.

    How many times do you have those dreams in a month or year?

  3. Same here. Exactly as you describe, I find that they feel great, with much more contractions and a bigger load of cum (well, maybe that bit’s not so great…).

    I think it’s because it’s a “pure” orgasm in some sense. Just mental stimulation. If you read about cumming from hypnosis, people describe orgasms from that as super intense.

  4. When I started adding cannabis into my occasional sessions, it basically took my orgasms to a level of ecstasy I hadn’t experienced yet. Now it’s something my hubby and I do on occasion to really make play time fun. He says it does the same thing for him. We are in our 30’s and will obviously drink at times too, but cannabis is much more intense.

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