Looking for some advice, I’m in college and there’s this girl I really like. We’ve been getting to know each other more and more the past couple weeks. We’re not too close, but we text from time to time and have hung out one on one a few times. My problem is, I sit and think about this stuff all day long and just want a resolution. On top of that, I feel like college is such a fast-paced environment that the slower I am the higher the chance that another guy is in or is entering the picture. I kinda just want to tell her how I feel; if it goes shit then I can just move on and stop thinking about her and if not, great. But, I have a feeling this would end our friendship mostly and I do really like talking to her. So you see my dilemma. Any advice? I know this is pretty basic but still need some second opinions.

  1. As far as ending the friendship goes, a couple of things.

    1. You can preface with saying that you still want to be friends even if she doesn’t like you back. And that you promise not to be weird about it afterwards.

    2. Not to be pessimistic, but college friendships don’t really last beyond college. Moreso if she gets married and has kids. So you might as well take that chance now.

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