A few weeks ago I had sex with my girlfriend. We are both virgins until then. Since then I’ve had the very mild stinging pain when I start peeing that finishes before I’ve stopped peeing. The urge to pee comes suddenly. I spoke to my doctor and there’s no spots or anything on my penis. He wants me STD tested and a urine sample. What could this be, and is it safe to have protected sex.

  1. Could be anything pal, some sort of urethral infection, I know it’s scary but just go to a sexual health clinic (they will not blink an eye), and either you’ll get reassurance (all clear) or treatment if you have something. And if the latter, don’t jump to conclusions, your GF may have been carrying it since she before meeting you (as described, likely). But – and important – you would need to then explain all to her. That would be tough, but the bigger picture your sexual healths

  2. I’m not a doctor and you absolutely need to get tested but that sounds like a UTI. It can be caused by sex but it’s not an STI, it’s more that the sex fluids get in your pee hole and cause infection
    It’s extremely common for people with vaginas to get it, less common for people with penises. It is completely possible to have it happen when two virgins have sex. It’s very easy to diagnose and cure – pee test and antibiotics. I’ve had at least 10 of them in my life and about half of those were from sex – other times were just random.

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