Is there any problem or issue you go through on a daily basis that you wish was easier?

  1. I wish it were easier to know when it’s ok to break the touch barrier with women. It’s something that really gives me anxiety because if I’m wrong.. I burn for it.

  2. I’m just tired of all the responsibilities that come with being an adult. Cleaning the house and laundry and grocery shopping and figuring out WHAT to cook (the actual cooking doesn’t bother me). I have to get an oil change on my car and it should really get new tires. I need to go drop off my dry cleaning because I’m traveling for work next week and I need to bring a suit.

    It’s just a lot.

  3. To let go of shit. Offenses, someone getting under my skin, regrets, recurring memories of dumb stuff I’ve done or said. I wish it was easy to just… let that shit go.

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