(Speaking broadly just in case)

I literally watched my animal die in front of me last night. I was distraught and crying all morning.

I have the remaining pet, whose 10, that was his cage mate, and I had no plans of buying a new animal to end the cycle of having this particular type of animal.

I was making arrangements to donate the new cage I bought and, to my surprise, there was a brand new baby pet of the same species.

I know my father brought me this with the best intentions, but I didn’t want another 10+ year responsibility.

I’m feeling slightly angry, but more so guilty because he bought it to make me feel better and it’s already here with new food and all kinds of stuff. I’d feel bad to return it.

At the same time I have feelings of resentment because I’m still living with my parents and struggling to afford housing. I REALLY want independence to avoid this type of overstepping.

Now I’m just pissed and trying to cool down.

I know what I should do, but I feel like I won’t and just end up taking on this responsibility.

1 comment
  1. I don’t know what type of relationship you and your parents have. But maybe try telling them, that you are not ready to love a new pet to the fullest and ask if they would take care of him. Or give it away to someone you know, or try to find out where your father got it and return it.

    Don’t give him to any shelter (especially not if kill shelters exist in your area/country). The little one is at no fault, but you should absolutely not have to take care for something you did not want. You most likely will always look at that little one and know that you did not want it, especially as it interferes with your time to mourn a loss.

    And yes I know I sound contradicting. Am just trying to list some options, so everyone gets the best output…

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