I’ve been with my partner for 8 months now. We love eachother very much and intend to marry.
I’ve been having problems with some negative thoughts and fears that keep coming up. I’ve talked about the thoughts with my partner and they’re very good at listening but I tend to get a bit dramatic and say we should break up.
I’m very aware how hurtful my words are… I need advice on how to break the cycle of negative thinking. This person is pure gold and is worth for me to do the work.

  1. Therapy. I think your getting overwhelmed and treating your partner like a therapist. Saying your going to break up isn’t fair. You need to talk to someone so they can help you.

  2. Any time you can control your thoughts and they start adversely affecting your life and relationships you need to seriously consider getting help from a professional. Take your time and wait to get married until you can manage your thoughts and fears in a healthy and constructive manner.

  3. You need to figure out if these fears are really unfounded or if your gut is telling you something about this relationship. Definitely recommend counseling to talk it through.

  4. I agree negative thinking doesn’t do anybody any good. Those thoughts are meant to shame you or discourage you. But being curious about why you are feeling or thinking these thoughts is a good place to start. It is always helpful to write your feelings down and read them on another day when you are not as emotional. Remember our thoughts can tell us a lot about what we feel and may need to do something about or let it pass. Our thoughts should bring us to a place of wanting to change and be encouraged when we do never shame us. We are all growing, and each day is a new day. It encourages me to know that God loves me as I am, and I am always enough. He sent His only Son to die for me. Let me know if I can help in any way as your work through your thoughts. Maybe if you are comfortable, ask God why do I have these thoughts? He will help you.

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