I’m 26M and where I live, everything is so expensive. I’ve been living at home since I graduated and I’ve got an opportunity to move out with my mate. But I’m a bit worried financially.

I do okay for myself. But rent is like 900 a month with bills for even a small place. And that’s on the good end of the spectrum.

My main reason for moving out is to try develop as a person. Also it’s hard to find a partner when you live at home.

Is it worth moving out even with the cost of living? Am I making a mistake?

  1. Have you considered house share? Get a room for less than £900.

    Yes, you’d have to live with other people and that can be really fucking annoying sometimes. The trade-off is that it’s considerably cheaper.

    I have been in and out of living with the ‘rents. I was 35 and still living at home. If I didn’t get stuck in Spain during covid I’d probably still be there.

  2. OK let me answer as a parent of a 25 year old back at home (after Uni and being away).

    If you get on with your parents, have a good relationship, then take every opportunity you can to save money for your own accomodation in the future.

    If you meet someone and want to move in together, then move out. Otherwise, when my son’s girlfriend is around we go out to the cinema or theatre to give them some space and privacy.

    When they have enough money for their own accomodation, they will be better for it all.

    (And if you are reading this Sean, stop drinking my best beer! :->)

  3. I’m 50 and returned to live with parents after my divorce. I love it. The house has no mortgage and I live with people I know and trust.

    As for finding a partner, well, I can’t help there. At my age, I no longer care.

  4. You can find a place way way cheaper than £900. You are just looking in the wrong places.

  5. I’m 28, moved out at 22 but that was mainly due to me meeting my missus, if I’d have stayed single I imagine I’d stay at home for longer.

    You’re starting to get to the age though where you might be considered a bit of a loser for living at home still, especially when it comes to dating so it’s kinda a catch 22 I guess.

    I make decent money (£65k) and live up north so fairly low COL yet I think I’d have to change my lifestyle significantly if I ended up breaking up and losing my missus’ income, living on a single income is a hell of a lot more expensive.

  6. I don’t live at home anymore but I come back to my parents house quite frequently to help care for my grandma and for family events

  7. I was at home until I was 29. But I did manage to find someone, we got married and bought a house together; living with parents allowed us to save money rather than spend it on rent.

    So I wouldn’t say it’s a hopeless situation, or that you can’t develop as a person while living at home.

    Best thing you can do is take this opportunity to focus on trying to make and save as much money as possible, then you can skip the rent trap and start looking to buy.

    If you are looking for ways to make extra money on top of your income, don’t forget to check out the [beermoneyuk](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/comments/x2yvlr/inboxpounds_the_best_gpt_for_british_people/) subreddit for ways to make extra spending cash!

  8. I moved out at 18 and it was hard. I learnt a lot, but it was rough. I lived alone but not anywhere wildly expensive.

    I think no matter what you decide, just hang on at home a few months until things stabilise. If you can, wait until spring. And go hug your mum!

  9. Stay and live at home if that’s the best financial situation for you, don’t move out and rent somewhere just because you or others think it’s weird, it’s your life and do what’s best for you.

  10. What are your financial goals? I’d encourage you to create a budget and examine what your income and outgoings would be for each scenario. Like, if you’re a year away from saving enough to buy a house and that’s what you want, it’d be silly imo to throw that away on rent. But if your goals are more about having enough for a comfy independent lifestyle, then maybe renting does fit into that.

  11. My partner and I only moved out this year and we’re 28. Both had cushty lives with our respective parents so waited until we could afford the house we wanted. Obviously easier because there’s two of us.

  12. No shame in staying at home and saving as hard as you can. It takes so much more money to move out these days.

  13. From my experience, living at home hasn’t impacted my dating life. People understand that rents are crazy and usually say they’d do the same if they had the chance.

    You could always try it out for a year, save up a healthy emergency fund and if you don’t like it and want to move out at least you have saved £10k+ in the year.

    FWIW I moved back home at 26 and still here at 28. If people are gonna judge me for it, then I really don’t need those people in my life.

  14. Hiya 26F here. Still living with parents because it’s giving me time to collect a good mortgage deposit

  15. I lived at home for 3.5 years after not living at home for nearly 5 years. I saved OK while I was earning. But honestly moving out again has done me the world of good in getting my independence and life and personality back. If you’re financially able to do it, I would, but I am a random internet stranger so don’t overrely on my opinion.

  16. Stay at home and save as long as possible. I met my boyfriend when he was 26 and still living at home, it didn’t put me off 🙂

  17. I do, and my mum charges me 400 rent and 50 for food. And she constantly reminds me how most people my age are fully independent and not living at home like ‘her minder’.

    However, I have been chronically ill with an eating disorder for over ten years, and currently am very, very ill, with a BMI of 10. I can’t work anymore, and have a blue badge, am not physically too able in general, and also am really struggling with my OCD. So she kind of accepts it.

    Saying all that, I have friends my age, and older, who live at home, and their parents don’t mind!

  18. Just turned 27 and moved bsck a couple months ago to so money for a year. Best decision i’ve made in awhile. I’ll have about 5k saved on 3 nights per week work by summer.

  19. Just move out. Your parents deserve a life too. At 26 you need to be independent not holding onto mummy’s apron strings.

  20. I’m 25M been back with my parents a week after leaving aged 18. I intended on staying a while to save but I’m going to be moving back out again soon, it’s too suffocating. I definitely think living away helped me develop. I think more importantly, I moved far away (West Mids to Leeds). That being said unless you get a cheap deal on rent you won’t be able to put a lot away. So you have to decide what your priorities are. Perhaps you can look into a house share? You will still have all the autonomy and plenty of privacy (albeit not as private as your own place) but you will be able to save money. I met really good friends doing this.

  21. Honestly, if your happy there then just keep saving and the home will come! The more you save the better the mortgage you can get. Anyone who has issues with it are not worth your time.


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