What was your breaking point? The thing that made you get that divorce, quit that job, move, lose the weight, whatever.

  1. When I was gaslit on Zoom, and I called them out on it, and they tried to fire me and backpedaled when I CC’d HR. So I quit before they could get the chance.

  2. When the COVID pandemic finally hit and I stopped feeling sick. It took having time away from my shitty job to realize just how much it fucked me over.

  3. Close friend killed themselves. I’d been thinking for years about leaving the city I hated so much, but that was the final nail in the coffin. Everything reminded me of her and life is too short to live in a city where you despise everything about it.

  4. When we bought a house together and I spent two weeks painting the entire interior while my ex stayed at the other house to play video games with his friends online. His response “I do not do painting”.

  5. My ex told me ‘I have better things to do than care about you.’

    And that’s when I knew we had to break up. He was apparently shocked. Still don’t totally get why.

  6. Let it be a quit the job story.

    regular procedure, our lawyers send the contract to the client, they send it back signed, and they sign their copy.

    So, that one client sent it signed with an additional paragraph, and our guys signed it without checking.

    by that paragraph, our company had to give more services to him. including graphic design. as a designer, I did some work for him, but whatever, I was paid for hours.

    Until one day he gave a task to download about 2500 photos illegally. I said I won’t do it and quit.

  7. When he moaned at me for going to the toilet after we had been to the theatre because it meant we were going to get home late (we had no public transport to catch, no where else to be).

    A week later I told him that we needed to take a break and then two weeks after I dumped him because I realised that after 5 years together he was still always going to put himself first. It’s been 8 weeks and it was the best thing I did.

  8. When I found myself looking forward to my ex-husband’s business trips because it was easier and less stressful to just not have him around.

    (Current husband, on the other hand, makes life easier and less stressful by being there.)

  9. When two people that came after me got promoted ( people that I trained ) because my manager didn’t wanna lose me at her store.

  10. I stopped drinking because I was watching my bf(now ex) drink himself into severe cruelty and into death. I would work 10-12 hour days and come home to a dude who was wasted and so unkind. I saw what he was becoming and I knew I had to try to stop. And slowly but surely I did. Don’t drink now.

  11. Was at a great job pre-COVID, turned into a bit of a cluster fuck “post-COVID.” I was primarily responsible for taking call offs (on my personal cell) and providing coverage for said call offs, and making the schedule for the company. They made me become salaried and I was working some days 6am-6pm. I loved the clients we had with my whole heart, but I couldn’t handle the stress anymore. My psoriasis was flailing up because of stress, I was losing mass amounts of hair. I left and got a new job and I’ve never felt better.

  12. When I was weighing the pros and cons of staying with my therapist, as I knew I could never bring a child into that relationship with it being the way it was. He looked at me and asked if I had a safe exit plan in place.

    I thought about it and said *”No I don’t but… maybe if a relationship needs a plan in advance to leave safely… it’s not one I should be in.”*

  13. He cheated on me. I was willing to deal with all the other horrible things: the name calling, the selfishness, the lack of cleaning, the constant blaming me for everything, etc. because I thought he was just “stressed” and that when the stressor went away he’d be ok again.

    He cheated on me with a girl he met playing a video game. And my yelling stopped, my nagging stopped. I realized that his treatment of me was never going to get better because at the end of the day he didn’t respect me enough to treat me like a human.

    He moved out in January, divorced in May. This has genuinely been the happiest year of my life in so so so long

  14. My divorce – when my former MIL called me to complain that her son wasn’t getting whatever he wanted in the bedroom whenever he wanted it. She told me I should never say no.

    I asked her why on earth I should give him a bj when he literally called me a f***ing c*** before asking for one?

    She didn’t have a reasonable answer. Just that the abuse was basically my fault because I wasn’t a good wife.

    This was the just the final nail after 7 years of a mentally, verbally, sexually and physically abusive relationship.

    After this i started making up my escape plan. I left wirh two young boys and lived in a small apartment while he kept the house and vehicle.

    But in the end I had the last laugh, I went back to high school, then college. Started a career where I now make around 100k and last I heard he worked as a telemarketer making barely above minimum wage. I have been remarried for over 16 years now and I love my life.

    I have never once regretted my decision to leave.

  15. During a panic attack I texted my then boyfriend about needing his help to calm me down. He replied to me saying “he didn’t want to ruin his weekend” 🖕🏼

  16. Ex said ‘you aren’t the type of person anyone would want, you’re lucky to have me’

  17. The moment I realized he would never have any “follow through” if it didn’t primarily benefit himself. He would never do anything just because I liked it or because it would make me happy when I was sacrificing my own joy for the sake of his. The second I realized it I died a little, and then I ended it. There were words and actions that all culminated to bring me to that realization, but the realization itself was the breaking point

  18. I quit the job after I came back from maternity leave and found they hadn’t filled my role, leaving my vulnerable clients without adequate support. Resulting in 2 being hospitalized. Instead the money was used to supplement the bosses income as he promoted himself to CEO from executive director. I told them all where to go and how little I thought of them on my way out.

  19. There was a lot of heartache with my ex. But I think the breaking point for me was when he threw an empty water bottle at me out of anger (I didn’t provoke him, I just heard him huffing in the other room and came to check things out to help). He dumped me after that. And later that night he kept glancing at his gun as he told me I couldn’t leave & we had to work on things …it terrified me. Being that close to someone who is on the edge like that is awful. I hate thinking of the last 3 days I spent with him. I’m glad he is somewhat behind me now. We have a kid together so unless if he leaves I don’t think I’ll have an end to his company in my life.

    Leaving set off a chain reaction though. I’ve had to confront a lot of the inner feelings and behaviors that had me stay in that relationship. A lot of it had to do with fear of being alone, or wrong, or what people would think, or not being good enough for anything better. I’m working on pushing myself outside of that box more and more.

  20. I can’t pinpoint an exact moment, but just generally being 33 years old and thinking I’ve already delayed and wasted so much of my life, and that I don’t want to lose any more of it to being closeted.

  21. My whole relationship with my ex was pretty iffy but my breaking point was covid. I moved away from my friends and family to a new state to be with him and covid just made me realize how much I hated being with him when it was just us two. He had said some questionable things during covid and in the end I realized I was more his mom than a true partner and I was never going to be happy staying with him. The pandemic opened my eyes to how little he respected me and my opinions and it broke me how much I put up with because I met him at a vulnerable point in my life and thought he was the one.

  22. I have had many breaking points in my life, but the one that just encompassed so much was when I moved out of a college dorm from a roommate who was part of my old friend group. They all treated me like shit and made me think there was something wrong with me. Finally, I packed up all my stuff with the help of my other friends I made, and moved the hell out of there. In the middle of the snow. With the residence director telling me I needed to *manually knock on people’s doors* asking them to let me move in with them (people who had accidental singles). Thank god I don’t have crippling social anxiety or I would’ve been stuck there with the shitty roommate, probably suicidal.

  23. Started a list in my notes.

    – Jan17 – he said “go on have another drink”
    – Jan17 – Fight over spraying disinfectant
    – Jan29 – fight over pizza. Made fun of me saying “I don’t want it anymore”
    – Jan31 – I slept in until 7:30am and got in trouble for not being happy enough when I woke up
    – Feb1 – I prioritize things a lot higher than money…

    Came home from work Feb 2 and I said I wasn’t happy, and that I was leaving.

  24. Honestly i have a lot.

    My mother using my SSN that she memorized to put bills in my name that she didn’t pay. I moved out real quick.

    When he was moving in with me and I found out he cheated.

    When my brother constantly chose anyone else over me.

    Over the years… I’ve learned I’m the only one that has my back, and I’m officially okay with that.

  25. When I asked my ex BF to spend time together and he put me off YET AGAIN for another week. We hadn’t seen each other in 3 weeks prior to that. That’s when I realized, I am not a priority, I’m an option. And not even an important one.

  26. When he blew 10k on online poker. Luckily it wasn’t my money but it made the divorce easier on me. He had no money to hire an attorney.

  27. I was with my ex for 10 years. Not married thank god. He always had anger issues. But one day, he lost his wallet and destroyed his whole room looking for it. He grabbed his desk chair and flung it across his room, part of it hit my ankle. I was curled up holding my ankle, I didn’t say a word because I was afraid of him so I just looked at him, hoping he’d realize he had hurt me and apologize, but he didn’t. He didn’t care. He just continued to scream. So in that moment i knew I had to leave.

  28. My best friend since childhood told me that I was a horrible artist a few years ago. That stung. She had a tendency to always knock me down throughout our friendship, but when she said that I was determined to make it my livelihood. I more or less have. She’s also not my friend anymore.

  29. I was 19-20 working at a large chain grocery store. I was hired in the bakery department and within a year i was running bakery, deli, produce, meat, and dairy departments as an hourly supervisor. I had a great relationship with my employees despite being younger than most of them, we had a mutual respect and very rarely had to reprimand anybody. One day the manager two positions above me came to me (my personal boss was on vacation) and told me i needed to write up an employee for not working fast enough. This employee was an elderly man who had a great attitude, always showed up on time, never missed a day, what is the definition of a perfect employee minus the fact that he could barely walk without a cart to hold onto. We argued back-and-forth for over an hour and it got very heated. She said that he didnt have a disability, and there was no drs note on record, so i needed to write him up for productivity. I told her if she followed through with this write up, i would be leaving without so much as a notice. She didnt bend. I had 6 employees walk out with me that day, one of which was the elderly man she tried to get me to write up.

  30. When he put his hands on me.

    The look of shock in his face when I gave him my keys as the cops watched. Like, mf, you expected me to *stay* with you after that? Get real.

    He didn’t, so now his life is shitty and mine is on the uprise. Had a really good relationship after that one, and now single on the prowl.

    Leaving him, doing trauma therapy, and falling in love (with the bf after him) are the best 3 things I did in 2019!

  31. After he said during an argument “you’re not the first woman I’ve dated and you won’t be the last!” Which was odd, in an of itself. He was also trying to get a green card by either getting me pregnant (joked about switching out my birth control for candy) or marrying me, neither of which I wanted at the time. His mom also flat out told me I should adopt him once. Left and never looked back. Couldn’t be happier.

  32. getting phychosis. i realized my mom would really take care of me and moved back in after being no contact for the better part of 3 years

  33. Feeling stagnant at the job. Tired from doing so much with no feeling of achievement

  34. NSFW
    Husband #1 was someone I’d met while in college. His fam and siblings was awesome and they treated me well. A week after we were married, he hurt my son and tried to kill me. He went to jail. Once out, he wanted to talk so I agreed. Neutral place, daylight hours, public. Safe, right? Um, no. He began screaming at me. I tried to get away, but he grabbed my arm and bit me hard. He broke my arm and three fingers. I finally got to the ER and knew they’d stop him. They did, he was arrested and I never saw him again. He went to prison and died within months of getting out. So. Yeah, I’d had enough.

  35. My divorce – We had purchased a fixer upper house together that needed to have a septic put in. The installation required digging up our entire backyard. The entire backyard was a huge raised mud pit and getting grass to grow back their turned out to be quite the task. The only grass our property had was our super tiny front lawn. One day I came home from work and a giant tool shed was placed on our only piece of grass in the front lawn blocking the view of our house from the road. It looked like such an eyesore.

    I called my husband immediately thinking a neighbor had accidentally had a shed delivered onto our property, nope it was something he had ordered without telling me but “not to worry because his father paid for shed”. This came after numerous discussions about how he kept letting his father buy him stuff and his father was controlling his/our life because of it.

    He worked for his father and He let his father pay for his trade school, a new truck and now the shed. His father would use bank rolling his life over him and we would always have to cancel our few and far between plans last minute because he needed to go work for his father. He was working the day of my masters degree graduation because he was never able to get a day off working with his father. The shed was the final straw as I saw it as a sign of no respect to even have the conversation with me before adding a huge eyesore in front of our property and I also saw it as a sign that he was never going to be able to stand on his own two feet independently from his father.

  36. I got tired of the same old, same old. I’m skinny/healthy weight. I wanted to have a 6 pack since I was in school. I gave up bc of depression and was getting results after 2 weeks. I have a cute outfit and I’m not insecure about myself but I had a little belly and this outfit had the stomach exposed and I looked preggo lol. I first wanted a 6 pack, but then I wanted to look fit and healthy and a toned stomach. Having the metabolism and age where I can get results quickly, I took advantage of the opportunity. Worked out this whole year so far, and getting results I wanted. I even have that six pack coming in now💪

    Can’t wait to wear my outfit next summer if I’m still here! 😊. I plan on working on my arms next and more muscle on my legs.✊

  37. When she said she would rather not see me for months than be in the same building as my parents.

    They’d never met, we’d been together 9 months, they would have gone the extra mile for her.
    My parents are lovely, welcoming, and were keen to meet.
    Just said she knew she would be uncomfortable.

    But it was honestly more so the fact that she wouldn’t make herself uncomfortable for me. Where as I had and would be willing to over and over if it had meant being able to see her, I feel like it’s what you do to become bigger parts of each other’s lives and grow closer.

    It wasn’t an immediate “okay we’re done” but things had been difficult anyway for the most part and I put a lot into the relationship in terms of compromise, initiative, thoughtfulness, compassion, empathy, and unfortunately it was largely unreciprocated and I ran out of energy to do it.
    So it was definitely what made me check out/give up, things ended pretty shortly afterwards

    I’m still a bit sad occasionally that things didn’t work, I really loved her. But I know it’s for the best, it was really starting to affect my mental health.

    I hope she finds what she needs, but it ain’t me.

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