Is this something that is a deal breaker, in the event she is consenting and comfortable. If your extremely horny are you going to wait a couple days?

  1. Nah I don’t really care, I just don’t want to go down on a woman on her period.

    Can’t call yourself a sailor If you’ve never sailed the red seas.

  2. Periods are just part of life. Throw down the old towels or get in the shower. The only thing that stops me is poor hygiene, intoxication, and role play that I’m not into.

  3. So it seems like I’m the only one here so far, but yeah it does make me… Not horny, I guess. I’d rather not have sex at all than have period sex

  4. Not at all. It actually can feel a bit more warm, lubricated and most women that are good with it says it helps relieve cramps. Depending on how heavy she bleeds, I don’t mind going down on her either.

  5. I prefer not to have period sex, but if she’s painfully horny and needs a dicking, I’ll gladly oblige.

  6. As a female.. I am personally always crazy horny on my period. However my partner is not down for period sex so oh well 🤷‍♀️

  7. I wish more men were OK with swimming in the Red Sea. Of course they don’t have to drink the water.

  8. Gods no, I’ve never been bothered by that.
    It’s natural and come on, it’s just blood.

    Luckily an large portion of former partners and ex’s has been more than okay with us having sex while they’re menstruating.

  9. I am somewhat indifferent. IF we are both in the mood, we make it happen. However, one of my things is being able to go down on her, which is a no-no for me during that time, so that is somewhat of a buzzkill.

  10. My boyfriend loves period sex because my libido is extra high, there is some extra wetness (he’s not squeamish about it in the slightest), and the way my uterus/vagina contract/are positioned makes it feel better/more comfortable on my bladder so he can get even rougher.

    It’s really a win for us both, and it was all his idea. First time my period came up in our relationship was because I got a crazy heavy period in the middle of sex. I freaked out from residual shame I had no clue was still lingering about. He rolled with it and made me feel absolutely comfortable. Opened up a lot for us lol. My biggest advice is talk to your partners about it!

  11. I’m currently in a relationship and I don’t mind it with my committed partner.
    When I wasn’t in a relationship, then no. It’s a really intimate thing for me.

  12. It actually feels better. The thing is that it gets messy bc of the blood and on a certain point the smell becomes intense. Is something that imo must be on a relationship and not on a casual hookup so you gotta do it with someone you rly trust and open minded

  13. Since getting the copper IUD I usually have a period every 3 weeks instead of every month and it’s a long one. We don’t care, it’s business as usual. He still wants to go down, he just sticks to the upper clit area but I usually feel self conscious so I pull him back up quickly 😅

  14. Don’t stop me at all and from what I heard it helps with the cramping pains doesn’t it?

  15. 100% always down and my wife usually is if she’s not in bad pain. Sometimes it even helps relieve the cramps so she requests it.

  16. I will usually dodge it yes.

    I don’t like the smell or the extra mess, I have made exceptions, but given the choice I will usually opt out.

  17. Depends on my partners wishes I guess? I could go either way, sometimes the hormones rage too much though and I have to ride solo or he’s down to.

  18. I don’t know about other men but my girlfriend and I have been together for 2 years, her periods always were painful and she once told me that an orgasm is the best way to reduce the pain so for me period sex is nothing a bit of blood is far from a deal breaker, and honestly when both of us are horny it doesn’t matter at all.

  19. It’s not a deal breaker for me but if I have a choice, I’ll wait. We have white sheets so the prep is a hassle. She’s usually super self-conscious so we have to have the lights totally off. And we have to shower afterwards in the dark cause of murder vibes and I’ll usually bonk into something. Also the smell of blood is extra strong when mixed with hormones. Mood killer for me. I can man through it and help her out, but I’m not getting anything out of it.

  20. I’ve only encountered 2 men who were a no. I tried to stop my ex once because we were on the floor and his carpet was white. He said that’s why God made Resolve.

  21. This really *really* depends on the guy. I think for most guys it isn’t a deal breaker but might be something if they’re on the fence. But it doesn’t really matter what “most guys” think, it matters what your guy thinks right?

    Personally I’m not so into going down on her, because sometimes the taste can be uhhhhh different, but other than that it’s only the practical stuff — like do we have to worry about staining the sheets, am I going to want to shower right afterwards, etc. I still think the sex is awesome. Getting some blood on us is nbd if it’s part of the fun.

    I have an ex who was always at her horniest and most adventurous then so I kind of have positive associations with period sex.

  22. Doesn’t stop it at all. We have red period sex sheets and red period blankets just for the occassion.

  23. I might not want to go down on her depending on the situation, but everything else is still a-go.

    A girl I had sex with prefaced it by saying we couldn’t because she was on her period. I said okay and respected that. We got hot and heavy though and I asked if I could finger her, and she was super enthusiastic.

    After making her cum by fingering and going down on her, she asked if I wanted to have PIV, and I said of course. After we were done and talking she told me that she didn’t tell me she was on her period because she didn’t want to have sex, but because she thought I wouldn’t want to.

    It was a funny moment and good lesson to always be open with what you’re comfortable with.

  24. God no — I’m a woman, but the number of men who’ve told me “I don’t care , I just want you” (aka sex… lmao, but I still think it’s so hot.)

    The last time I had sex was on day 3 of my period — I haven’t done that in years.

    He’s 2-years youngers than me, and we did it in my kitchen — at first I was like “😳” even tho I didn’t care deep down… but then he said “look, you were married before, and I’ve had long term relationships… we’re both adults and I’m telling you right now that I think you’re perfect — it doesn’t bother me one bit.”

    Owwww weeee, let me tell you….. that was the hottest moment I’ve had in years.
    He banged my back out and we made a murder scene on my kitchen floor. 😂

    Anyway — I say all this to say, find yourself a man who just doesn’t gaf, because you won’t regret it!

    EDIT: My bad, TMI — I didn’t read the actual post, just the title. Lol. But I stand by my statement for the ladies who may need to see this. ✊

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