Long time browser, first time poster. Apologies if this is already well worn territory.

Ok – so consent, sexual autonomy and mutual pleasure are all turn ons for me (37 M, straight). I would never want to do something a partner didn’t actually enjoy or that they were only doing to please me. That said — I can’t help it, I’m really into bodily fluids. Cum, cum, everywhere — including facials — is a major turn on. I’ve only had one girlfriend who *seemed* into me cumming on her face, but I was never sure if she was just trying to placate me.

With facials specifically, it is not some porn reenactment thing for me, nor is it about some kind of dominance — if a woman could squirt I’d want her to do it all over my face too. It’s instead that I’m into cum in general and if I’m attracted to a beautiful face, it’s a major turn on to combine the two.

BUT, and here’s the TL;DR: do any women *actually* enjoy this? If not, I’d like to try my best to rewire my desires so that it’s not an expectation or doesn’t fester as some kind of unfulfilled desire (as it did in my last relationship).

Question is open to men too of course, but as my own desires are hetero I’m particularly curious if women, in a non-submissive position, actually enjoy or simply tolerate it.

Thanks in advance and apologies for the long winded post!

  1. I think it completely depends on the context. I enjoy them very much, but that’s also because they’re coming from my partner of more than a decade. It’s very intimate. It’s a physical manifestation of his sexual pleasure, his pleasure that is coming from me and our interaction. It it is the most personal part of my body, my face. It’s warm, physically and emotionally. Different context, I might have a different reaction to it of course.

  2. I’m not. Simply because of the cleanup and it’s gotten in my eye before which stings like a muthafucka. If it’s something my partner is into I’ll placate but I’ll never initiate. I have no problem with it on my boobs, stomach or ass.

  3. You seem to be under the impression that being dominated and degraded are the opposite of arousing to women. This is not the case.

  4. Im with you on this entire post. Im a bit younger but otherwise these words could’ve been my own. I know this doesn’t necessarily help, but i figured id let you know that i also would like to know what people think of this. 🤝

  5. My ex wife would never dream of letting me so that, but she hated cum… I have had a few partners lately that love it. So yes, they’re out there.

  6. These “poll” posts are not allowed on r/sex.

    The answer is always the same “some people do, some people don’t, and r/sex does not represent a normal cross-section of the population so the results are inherently flawed”

  7. I think more women would be into it if it didn’t burn your eyes out on contact/ruin your makeup/make you have to wash your hair.
    Maybe pick your moments for this and it will be better received. Not when she’s just done her hair and make up would be the most obvious time to avoid it 😂
    The act itself means fuck all to me. I’d much rather it went down my throat to be honest to save the mess 😂

  8. I LOVE them. I make my partner take pics and video every time for him to use later 😉
    It just makes me feel owned and so turned on, especially when it covers my whole face 😌

  9. No sexual act carries inherent meaning because there is no objective set of meanings that everyone subscribes to, and women aren’t a monolith anymore than men are.

    Meaning comes from people, it doesnt exist outside of us, the universe isnt that human-centric.

  10. I personally love them with my husband, it turns me on so much because I know that’s his kink and I just love his cum, I even let him film and take pics so he can Jack off whenever he wants which also is a huge turn on for me

  11. I think this is a false binary–you can both not particularly enjoy facials and not think they are inherently degrading, or you can love facials because they are degrading.


    I personally don’t know many women who LOVE facials on their own, but I do know plenty who don’t dislike it and are happy to do it for their partner. Consent, sexual autonomy, and mutual pleasure are turn ons for most people so your partner thinking something is an enormous turn-on is enough to be into it even if you aren’t into it for its own sake.

  12. I (40f) have always enjoyed getting a “facial” and it has nothing to do with wanting to be degraded or anything like that. I don’t find it degrading at all. I like cum. I like watching my partners cum, and the facial gives me a front row seat. And then there is the compersion. I genuinely enjoy giving my partners pleasure and I can see it in their faces how much they enjoy cumming on mine. The whole act is really sexy and a big turn on for me. It’s like a big exclamation point on a fun experience. Don’t discount a partner for doing something that is just for *your* pleasure. If they didn’t want to do that for you, hopefully, they wouldn’t.

  13. i’m not a fan of it, like would never personally as but i know he likes it so i would do it once in awhile for that

  14. I don’t like them but I also have very bad sexual experiences in general. I always think that women with healthier relationships with sex and their partner would have no issues with it

  15. It all depends on the lady and the relationship she has with her partner I think, some women love the payoff because it physically and emotionally feels good to see your partner in ecstacy and to experience that with him, a shared intimate sensual moment that connects the two of you even more

  16. I’m sure that someone does. Hell, I was watching that “How to Build a Sex Room” show on Netflix and one girl said that was her fantasy.

    I however, cannot handle it. I’m definitely on the *other* side of average in the sense that *certain* bodily fluids literally make me vomit. So if he wants to give me a facial, he’s going to be covered in puke. Unfortunately, I think my current partner has a similar interested to the one you’ve expressed and he tries to convince me about once a week. It’s exhausting, especially since he thinks it’s kind of funny. It’s not to me. It’s not funny at all.

  17. A sex act is only degrading if you let it be.

    Also, women are not a hivemind. Some despise facials. Some think they are hot. Some don’t care either way, just grab a towel after.

  18. I refused to do it because it seemed stigmatized by porn. Im not into degradation. My wife convinced me to try it and well… We’re both REALLY into it now.

  19. Yes, woman here. I love facials! I actually love cum in general. I always want my husband come on me or in me. We are a rare breed but some of us women do love them. Just not in the eye. Lol

  20. Depends. I normally don’t mind if asked but it’s absolutely my personal last choice of location. It’s annoying to more than likely get it in my eyes and part of the enjoyment for me is getting to actually see my partner cum, which i can’t do with my eyes closed. Id much rather a location that allows me to also watch, i definitely don’t find it degrading just generally more work for not much more pleasure.

  21. Im fine with it but him cumming on my face means he’s not cumming inside of me or in my mouth which I’ll always prefer

  22. I enjoy them because I know my partner is enjoying them! It’s super hot for me.

    A warning first is ideal. I wear contacts, and cum pretty much ruins them. They’re not cheap, and it stings to boot.

  23. Some like it because it’s degrading. I have done it to women and they wanted to do it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have done it

  24. Yes, some women enjoy it. I don’t think any consented/enthusiastic sex act is inherently degrading.

  25. Tell a girl your 3rd paragraph! You said it perfectly already.

    Ive never had a facial, bf has never asked so maybe hes not into it, but im really into cum. Even though im into cum, my anxieties/doubts around facials would be:

    Is he just reenacting porn?
    Is he just imagining me as a pornstar?
    Does he mean to degrade me?

    I feel like if any woman was concerned about those things, you addressed them in your 3rd paragraph. I’d be convinced to try it.

  26. For me, it’s degrading, but thats what I like about them… 🫣. Gotta be with the right guy though. Case by case basis I guess lol

  27. If it’s consensual AND here’s the interesting part at least for me when it comes to “degrading” sexual acts. If the man I am with takes good care of me outside the bedroom. He pays for dinner, makes sure I’m safe, etc. imagine letting a boy who makes you go half for a drink or something finish on your face. THATs degrading. it’s hot when the man I’m doing this with is the type that makes me feel so secure, then sure I’ll be your little cum slut. So if you wanna do that in my opinion you gotta earn that title, or it has to be the woman’s kink

  28. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
    I love it partially because it’s a little degrading

  29. I had a girlfriend who loved it. She wanted me to cum all over her every time. Not just her face she really loved it when I came on her back. The first time I did it she quirted all over the place.

    I would have rather came inside of her mouth, ass or vagina but it was her thing. She just loved be cummed on.

    She also got really turned when I bit her. That took some get used to. Especially when she wanted me to bit her vagina.

  30. If you asked me when I was dating? No facials.

    Fast forward to being in a committed, monogamous relationship for 20 years … I LOVE a lot of things I wouldn’t allow before. I had to be comfortable enough with my partner to admit I enjoy a little degradation. It’s hot.

  31. personally (bi guy) i and several previous partners love to get a facial if for no other reason than it means he is that turned on by me. Yes it can be an act of submission, nothing wrong with that and at least for me another positive reason, but also because i love cum, it’s scent, taste and feel as well as how it looks, finally, i love to kiss afterwards so we share the taste; it’s incredibly intimate

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