I’m finding it mission impossible to get a job that relates to my degree and I’ve noticed a lot of people I graduated alongside finding the same difficulty. it’s making me worried and anxious about my future and making me re think if I should change my career path.

not sure if it’s normal for graduates to be struggling a year or two or even three after graduating to find a job in their degree.

not sure if covid severely impacted this as I know in london the unemployment rate is very high too. is it a lack of jobs or because graduates who went through uni over covid are less experienced ?

I’m doing short courses throughout this year and next that relates to the industry I want to go into but I still feel it’s not enough. applied to many jobs north and south and hardly hearing anything back!

edit ; my dream would be moving down south but I’m finding it extremely hard even finding opening for jobs. I have emailed so many companies for internship opportunities but still nothing! I’ve talked to lots of uni friends about this too and we are all experiencing the same issue

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  2. I’m in my 30s and I don’t…. ironically my job is in graphic design and illustration and I have a degree in psychology 😆

    Maybe look for Pychology related jobs 😂

  3. What is your art degree specialising in? What do you want to be?

    I work in the VFX industry on film side ride now (next contract is in episodic VFX) and have had game dev experience in the past.

    I can say that there are tons of work right now from junior position to seniors. Where are you looking/how are you applying?

    A good LinkedIn network can work really well for giving you job opportunities/see job openings early.

    Have you got a portfolio? Imo a degree isnt as important as the portfolio. A good artstation/website portfolio you can easily send to recruiters and talent managers is a surefire way to get your name around.

    Remote working is highly in demand right now. If you are flexible and can move to london etc it might be more attractive with your application if you state you can relocate.

    However, I graduated in 2020 at the beginning of covid and have been remote working since then. Most studios are happy to hire remote and if you can show soft skills (organization, confidence in work etc) it should show them that you can work at home independently

  4. I’m 40 and don’t work in anything related to my degree. I’m in tech, and have no tech qualifications other than a recent accreditation that my company paid for. Judging from the number of colleagues I’ve chatted to in enough depth, I’d say I’m in the slight majority – only the ones actually coding have relevant studies.

  5. Depends on your degree, I got a job I couldn’t have without my degree, but you don’t need my degree specifically to do it

  6. It completely depends on your degree, computer science and you will easily get a job in your degree, psychology you will struggle. Anything art related then you almost certainly won’t get a job but I mean what would you be expecting if you did an art degree. There aren’t exactly many people willing to pay an artist enough to live on, it’s more of a hobby than a career.

  7. I hardly know anyone who has a job related to their degree unless they studied something vocational like medicine or dentistry. That’s not really the main function of most degrees. The majority of graduate jobs don’t require specific degrees, they just ask for a degree to demonstrate certain skills and a level of commitment evidenced by completing a degree.

  8. Yep. very normal.

    I have two friends with PhD’s who also have jobs nothing to do with their studies.

    The most related jobs I know o a degree, are my husband and sister who did maths and then became maths teachers.

    I can’t think of anyone else who is in a related field (and I’ve just run through about 20 people in my mind)

  9. Getting into a niche industry with no experience or connections is going to be complete luck. Is there anything you could do where you could start publishing online (comics, concept art, fake film posters, whatever)?

    If you’re talented enough, it’ll show through in the work.

    Start your own site, link all your work, maybe flog some stuff and put it all on LinkedIn.

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