What if your partner is perfectly loving and caring, they’re doing all the right things in bed and objectively they’re not ugly but not super cute. But you don’t feel sexually attracted to them anymore. Would you break up with them?

P.s. the romantic attraction is barely there for me anymore, though I know it is still there for them. Immaturity is the issue. Because I constantly perceived the other party as a kid (not that I’m super mature, but they’re quite childish in comparison), I still love them deeply and have feelings, but can’t say I’m still sexually or romantically attracted to them…

  1. Yes, because staying is just leading them on when they can go find someone who is sexually attracted to them.

  2. There’s no universal answer to that question. I think many people in this sub would, because it’s a very sex positive sub, where many redditors value sex more than the average bear, so to speak.

    On the other hand there’s subs like /r/deadbedrooms where people have been in relationships without (hardly any) sex for years, sometimes, and they describe the relationship as “good” (except for the sex bit).

  3. It depends. Did I feel sexually attracted previously and then it changed? I would communicate and explore why the change happened. I’m not one to feel sex is the end all be all of relationships. I’ve gone through a lot of medical things with my partner that made me realize that if we could never have sex again due to medical reasons, I’d be fine with masturbation for the rest of my life as long as the rest of the affection and willingness and desire to be affectionate is there.

    I would not want to be with someone who wasn’t able to communicate the issues with me and see if we could work through things. Sometimes people just need time to process and figure out their sexual attractions. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions and end it all if my partner told me they don’t feel sexually attracted to me nor would I jump to conclusions and want to end it all if I suddenly realized I didn’t feel sexually attracted to them. I’d need to explore my feelings, their feelings, what I want from a relationship, what he wants, what we both want together. Being affectionate is more important to me than the actual sex. As long as they were still cuddly and touchy feely, I’d be bummed about the lack of sex but I can also do just fine by myself. I can’t be affectionate by myself.

  4. This is a very sex-positive sub-reddit, your answers will obviously be biased towards sex being very important.

    To answer the question: yes, and I have had done that in the past.

    Life’s too long and shitty to NOT have good sex.

  5. 100%

    Sex is important to me in a relationship, no point beating a dead horse romance when I will inevitably end up depressed and unsatisfied

    I was able to find someone that is a demon in bed and that I love. It’s entirely doable

  6. It’s odd to me that people could even consider a relationship good without good sex and physical attraction. But that’s me. I guess it depends on where you prioritize sex.

  7. > But you don’t feel sexually attracted to them anymore. Would you break up with them?

    You kinda have to. I mean, do what you can to revive the feelings, but if it ain’t working, that’s all she wrote…

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