The last 2 girls I’ve dated and got serious with both ended up being manipulative and awful. The first one was def a narcissist. All about her, obsessed with her looks, a liar, using my empathy against me, smear campaign, cheated, etc. I know I’m not a psychologist but she ticked every box. The 2nd girl wasn’t full of herself but did use trauma stories of her past and lie to be manipulative. She admitted she had a problem but it was too late I wasn’t sticking around. Both hurt very badly to walk away from since I was so trauma bonded.

I’m now talking to a new girl I met through a dating app who yet again seems perfect. We have just about everything in common (and this isnt just me saying “i like this” and she says oh me too! Its her mentioning stuff as well without knowing what I think). She’s beautiful but says she’s been in a dry spell with dating. Of a lot of the guys she’s seen on the app she says I caught her eye. I’m the only one who has gotten her number and that she’s actually talked to past about 5 messages cuz of her past she has a radar and is pretty good at reading peoples intentions. She says she’s loyal, never cheated, loves physical touch like I do, says she’s glad cuz she will likely be touchy when we meet if we actually click. She has conversations and isn’t boring to text, asks a lot of questions and we joke/flirt back and forth. She says I’m what girls call a unicorn in the dating world. No kids, okay with not having any kids, don’t mind her already having kids, I seem genuine, etc. It all seems too good to be true.

But she also mentions her cons so it’s not like she acts like she has no flaws. Immediately let me know she has 2 kids and doesn’t want more so if I’m looking to have kids she isn’t going to be the one for me and if I’m not into dating someone with kids no hard feelings. Says her exhusband cheated on her but it was a non thought out marriage when she was young. She’s dealt with narcissists and toxic relationships in the past and says she kind of has a radar for it now but she thinks I seem genuine. Asked if I had siblings and said her only brother passed (makes me nervous about trying to get empathy out of me with the cheating ex and says shes dealt with a lot of loss in family). She was a drug addict that’s been sober for 5 years. Thanked me for not immediately branding her a junkie. She’s fine around alcohol though. She can be the jealous type at times but says not in a toxic way (which I think everybody is to an extent) shes fine with my best friends being married lesbians I’ve known for 20 years. She also lives an hour away but says she really wants to meet me and see if distance will be an issue or not.

I’m about to go on vacation so I can’t meet her for 2 weeks and she says that’s fine. She’d like to phone call/face time before I go though and keep in touch cuz she really likes how much we have in common and the vibe I give her.

I’ve been dating other girls as well but just haven’t found any I’ve clicked with. I’ve done therapy and have worked through my past relationship trauma. So it’s not like I’ve felt this way about every girl and just don’t trust people now. I’m just almost feeling like this is how it began with the other 2 so it has me on my toes. My best relationship that didn’t work out started pretty intense so idk if it’s a complete red flag. I almost feel like I lovebomb in a way when I meet someone I click with but I do it because I really like them and have a lot of empathy, not because I want to use them or gain their trust to be manipulative or use them in some way. I like to show them I care and making them happy makes me happy.

Any advice? Should I just start dating and go from there? It seems a little early to be worried but after going through emotional abuse in the past it’s def something I’d like to avoid. Would just like to know early signs others have experienced.

  1. You already named many red flags of a narc. Just date but stay in your lane. Dont have sex with her right away. Meet her. 8 dates will show true colors.

  2. First off you need to identify the ongoing characteristics of manipulation. Dread, blame, and obligation. Basically the 3 indicators.

    Second she has two kids from ex(s) and says if you want your own kids look elsewhere, followed by her issues with a ex husband, and substance abuse issues.

    Those 3 things there, you should start with someone with a little less baggage given your track record. That doesn’t come across as stable like you’d need. And that said you may want to spend more time alone ngl to get yourself straight.

  3. Tread lightly. If no one is dating her because of her kids. That’s a lie. It’s always a ruse. You’ll quickly find out that women with children lie about never being available. It’s easy to follow them on like Instagram snapchat or something and see how often they go out and that will tell you their primary motive for dating.

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