Almost got in my first fight over the weekend, but managed to talk it out. Wondering how common this type of thing is, and what you did.

  1. I’ve been in quite a few, most of the time it’s tempers flaring, people egging shit on, or somebody who thinks they’re for sure gonna win or get away with it. Remember, the only green light is when someone puts their hands on you. Always assume there’s a camera on you and act as such. De-escalate the situation by walking away and having nothing to say, don’t stand there making excuses or pandering and looking like a plushie. If you look like a target you’ll be a target, standing up for yourself is paramount in preventing future troubles.

  2. I’ve been in 2 fights before. Both of them were in elementary school, couldn’t tell you whatsoever how that happened. Both times I got my ass whooped.

    But I ended becoming good friends with those kids afterwards!

  3. When I was in high school I walked home after a really shitty day and some guy tried to rob me.
    I am lucky as hell he didn’t have a knife or a gun.

  4. I’ve noticed people tend to pick fights when they feel disrespected. Or the crap talking and insults continue until they feel so disrespected that the fight starts.

    I’ve gotten out of most fights by accepting a fight is going to start and just getting ready.

    Them: “You wanna go?”
    Me: “Okay” ( square up and raise my guard)
    Them: “Nah forget it.”
    Me: “okay” (drops guard and go back to what I was doing… But be wary of that person.

    Or just assuring the other person no disrespect was intended.

    Biggest trick is to stay clear of those who just want to cause damage for fun. Or. Become just as excited as them…. Still tricky.

  5. I avoided it most of my adult life. The legal repercussions + life threatening injuries is not worth it

  6. I have several stories of fights I’ve almost been in over a variety of things, but I’ve never been in a fight. Somehow my gut just knows when to walk away, when to talk my way out, or when to let someone know there is going to be a problem if they don’t stop whatever it is they’re doing, and somehow, it’s always worked out.

  7. Heh. Yeah. Grew up in a blue collar town in the Midwest. Anything can cause it, principally the other guy being insecure and thinking he’s needs to dominate me/the situation.

  8. All my midshcool to second year of high school.

    Was in a group of fighters, we still fight beetween ourselves.

    Generally, fights would be beetween, our midschool and other midschool.

    There where some rules so we didn’t get discovered. Even thought once there where some highschool boy that came beat our asses.

  9. My first actual fight was cause of a girl. A guy liked a girl I was dating and I wanted to look cool I guess. I was 18 at the time (school brawls don’t really count imo).

    Nowadays it seems like I get into fights every few months or so. Back when I used to go on weekly drinking binges in pubs it would happen nearly weekly.

    The amount of fights you have is directly correlated with your personality and the kinds of situations you put yourself in on a daily basis.

  10. A few times. Every time it was some drunk bastard who thought I’d be an easy target because I’m only 170cm.

    Every time I won, once with the help of a passing submarine crew.

  11. Certainly. And what caused it? People are dumb trash. That’s what causes it. As if assholes need a motive.

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