Is it the fashion? The people that go on there?

  1. People who spend enough time in a smokey pub to get good enough at darts to go on Bullseye?

    Also, for the demographic who did go on Bullseye, the 80s were *rough*. Can’t wait for the threads in 35 years’ time asking why everyone on Tipping Point looks like shit.

  2. I absolutely love watching old episodes of Bullseye on Challenge after a night out!

    You’re right everyone on there looks about 50 when they’re probably closer to 30. I think it’s a combination of the fashion and the more grown up attitude people had back then once you got married etc.

    I also love how the contestants are just very normal, often very quiet people. No funny stories or anything particularly interesting about them. Everyone today on quiz shows is so media savvy and comes on with an anecdote or is a part time magician, or is really attractive or whatever. Watching Jim Bowen trying to extract the slightest modicum of personality is so funny sometimes. I really think it’s a great look back at “real people” modern history.

  3. Yep, this is defo an observable phenomenomenomenon! It happens on the Krypton Factor too. I think people aged faster then.

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