For example, if you go on a date and she slept with someone the night previously, would that be a red flag?

Or if you go on a date and then a week later go out again and she has slept with someone in between your two dates, would that bother you?

  1. She banged a dude, knowing that we’re going on a date the next day? Yup, that’s a no-go for me. I’d rather not be just another cock on the cock carousel.

  2. Yeah, both of those things would bother me. I’m not saying I’m entitled to anything, I’m saying I just don’t find it attractive. It would give me the ick in that if I was trying to work toward a relationship, that would not be ideal and would make it difficult to trust someone’s intentions. Not necessarily their loyalty because they aren’t exclusive with me yet, but definitely it would make me think they aren’t all that interested.

    To give you a sense of my POV, the first time I heard dudes do this too (see multiple girls and tell them all the same thing) that made me uncomfortable too.

  3. If I’m not with her it doesn’t bother me, I just don’t want to know. Equally, whatever I do isn’t her business.

    If ur not in a relationship, ur single… she has no obligations to u

  4. >if you go on a date and she slept with someone the night previously, would that be a red flag?

    We need more context than this IMO.

    Is it a first time casual date and she has a friend with benefits? If so, no worries.

    Are we on our 5th date and she just had a one-night-stand? Red flag.

  5. How did I find out?

    I’m going to assume she told since I don’t stalk people.

    So she banged a guy the night before and tells me today on our date?

    Yes, a red flag.

  6. That would never work for me. If she sleeping with someone she shouldn’t be dating for free meals. It’s a little whorish for my tastes.

  7. Fucking someone else right before or after our date would put her in the no relationship zone… but I will smash just like everyone else did. But I wont marry

  8. First example, I’d fuck her too and head out.

    Second example? fuck her and head out.

    Not relationship material

  9. 1 – First date? No.

    2 – Depends on the expectations set from the previous date. If exclusivity was expected that’s a problem. If it was clear that we’re keeping things casual/uncommitted at this point, fair enough. And I try to not leave things unclear in that department.

  10. I wouldn’t care, just don’t give anybody else any pussy without giving me any of you think we’re going to be in a relationship.

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