My (29f) boyfriend (26m) after 4 years of relationship asked me for a break because he wasn’t sure if he loved me the same and he didn’t wanted to lie to me and pretend everything was fine. As hurt as I was I’ve tried to give him some space but we are living in together and is hard to don’t run into each other, one of this times we engaged into a conversation where he said that maybe it was the routine what create this confusion in his mind but also the fact that I’m overweight and he worries when we drink or eat outside …. at this point I don’t know what to do, I know he come from a honest place and is worried but this is messing up with my head.
Please I’m more than happy to answer any questions that you have, but I need advise

  1. So has he indicated a time length for this break? A week? A month? Or is it open ended? Also, during this break will he be going out with other girls? If it’s a week just by himself to think that’s one thing. Anything else, well then treat it as a break up and begin moving forward. Honestly if he’s worried about your weight and it’s health effects, he should be working with you to work on it if it’s something your willing to do.

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