So whenever she swallows which isn’t Everytime but when she does. She immediately falls asleep after. Like within 5 mins. Doesn’t matter what time in the day it is or where we are. It always puts her to sleep. When she’s done it before bed she’ll go to sleep and say the next day it was the best sleep of her life. She’ll sleep soildly and deeply all night which she doesn’t usually do. If we have sex and she doesn’t swallow then she doesn’t get sleepy like this it’s only when she swallows. It’s literally like my cum is a sleeping pill. Anyone know why?

  1. It’s not the cum because it’s only going straight to the stomach and being digested. Even if the miniscule content of vitamins in ejaculate were used in her body, it wouldn’t be enough to put her to sleep or really do much of anything. It could be a placebo effect or just a coincidence

  2. I think it’s maybe just that she’s comfortable with you and she’s relaxed and tired after sex. I know I fall asleep a lot after sex with my gf

  3. Interesting fact – orgasms lead to a sudden huge increase of lots of hormones.. melatonin being one of them. There are others that release , such as dopamine.
    For instance my husband chills out after sex and gets good rest and since I’m adhd I want to stay awake and focus on something or I want to clean because my body is so dang deficient on dopamine , that increase from orgasming makes me want to be active with that dopamine.

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