I 16M was sitting in class and looked at this one girl because she was waving her phone and laughing and stuff. she thought i was staring because we locked eyes and she took a picture of me. Turns out her boyfriend is one of my friends. which I didn’t know. We see eachother everyday and it’s weird between us now. someone help pls. talking to her isnt an option tho. she avoids me and i avoid eye contact at all now

  1. ?

    If she took a picture of you, unless she suddenly shifted to being terrified, she probably wasn’t creeped out, noticed you seeing her have fun and included you in it. Hell, she might know you’re one of her boyfriend’s friends.

    If anything might have made it awkward, it’s you suddenly avoiding her completely now. And why isn’t talking to her an option?

  2. You did nothing wrong. It’s only weird if you allow it to be. If either of them are making an assumption about you based on this non-event (which they may not be, you could be overthinking it) it’s their problem. If they confront you about it, then you’ll have the opportunity to clarify there was nothing behind it. But if they don’t, then so be it, that’s on them. Just keep behaving as normal and it will soon be forgotten.

  3. She’s the weird one here, she wanted to drag you down after her weirdo actions so she looked like she was in the right.

    Don’t take responsibility for another person’s thoughts, opinions, or actions, ever.

  4. None of the friends you have now are going to be your friend in two years. Best to let them go now and move on. Don’t worry about dumb shit like this. None of it matters. It’s just immature people being immature and there’s nothing you can do about it or no logic to beat it.

  5. It’s good you are at least cognizant that staring is creepy. Grown ass men out here staring at us women all the time and it’s so freaking creepy. You’re doing fine. Don’t even worry about her. BRush it off

  6. Firstly do not stress my friend 🙂

    Honestly I read this and I don’t even see a problem. She was being loud and you looked over, that’s normal. Continue on and don’t let it be awkward because it’s not.

    Trust me when i say that the reason you feel that this is the end of the world is because you’re a teen and I honestly don’t mean that insultingly. It’s just a fact that teens dramatize things due to raging hormones. I’m 23 and I even exaggerate scenarios myself sometimes. I overthink them afterwards.

    Believe me everything is ok and continue on 😀

    Also if someone says you’re creepy then give them a confused look and you could even ask “why?” then if they say the reason just explain what happened. People will sometimes try and make you look like you did something wrong when you didn’t.

  7. honestly my dude, tons of ppl coming in with specific solutions but i’ll say this. sounds to me like you have an anxiety disorder. do not let me diagnose you tho, you should seek out a therapist. also, don’t take it the wrong way! healthy and well adjusted ppl like a support system. there is absolutely nothing wrong with therapy.. we all need some kind of support system. go into it with a very open mind, and be honest with yourself and your therapist. it can help a lot.

    as someone who suffered from extreme anxiety for many years. it’s best to address it sooner than later.

  8. She took a picture of you?

    Thats creepy of her, not you.

    People make eye contact, its a normal thing

  9. Spend more time with her boyfriend with other friends. She’ll eventually see you in mixed company and relax when she sees your not a creep. And c’mon, at least admit you find her attractive? She probably likes you too, or at least felt something when you “locked eyes” but can’t deal with it in a mature way and is acting out. Miscommunication all around.

    God I’m glad I’m old enough not to have had cell/smartphones at high school…

    Try an experiment: completely ignore her, chat up everyone else, and see what happens…

  10. I promise you this is a non-issue. I don’t believe she was creeped out. Don’t dwell about it or bring it up. If she ever does you can remind her humans naturally look at other people when they’re being animated and that she took a picture of you without permission, which is infinitely weirder.

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