What’s the best martial arts for self-defence?

  1. I don’t believe in martial arts for self defense

    Odds are if you’re gonna get randomly attacked it’s gonna be by a gang of teens

    I was jumped once, first I saw a group of guys while walking, than I turned around and saw a guy hoping off his bike to sucker punch me, next thing you know like 5 guys are stomping my head in.

    I am 6ft tall and this was back when I was in shape because I was trying to be a marine. Kung fu would not of helped save me from a gang of dudes catching me off guard and kicking my HEAD while I was down

    You want self defense than get a gun. Otherwise stop being paranoid

    I’m from a bad neighborhood, the kinda places where gun shots at night are common, if you don’t live somewhere like that then you can relax.

    Anyone whose willing to attack a total stranger is probably not going to fight fair at all and they’re years of criminal life is gonna be way more useful in a fight than some black belt you got.

  2. It’s very subjective but you gotta know some wrestling and like boxing. Imo tho many people seem to underrate the art of RUNNING AWAY. Works every time

  3. Boxing/kickboxing if you’re interested in striking. Wrestling/Jiu-jitsu if you’re interested in grappling/submission. Solid competence in both striking and grappling will make you a scary opponent in a 1v1.

    But do yourself a favor and run the FUCK away if you’re dealing with more than two people or if they’re armed. A 2v1 is already risky business; the best you can hope to do is hit the first guy hard enough to keep them reeling while you deal with the other guy. 3 or more, you get the hell outta there.

  4. TaeKwonDo means the art of kicking and punching. Used in self defense. The principles are to disengage an attacker and leave. Not to engage and make a bad situation worse.

  5. I would say MMA, Jeet Kun Do, Bruce Lee felt combining different techniques from different styles to create a practical fighting way to fight a range of situations on the ground, close, distance etc.

    I here from someone it’s best to have a base style to expand on.

    Or you could just learn Muay Thai 😜

  6. A gun or running away. Every martial art teaches that the best defense, is to not be in that situation. If you can run away or not fight, do it. But if it’s unavoidable, gun beats fist everytime. The only time it doesn’t is in action movies.

  7. Boxing. Anything ground based is useless because their friends will just stomp your head. In a street fight you want to stay upright and use your fists to hit their jaw and produce a knockout.

  8. Kickboxing and Judo, one very good for offense the other for defense.
    Just dont forget that in a street fight, evetything goes so as any instructor worth a damn would say: Run if you can, fight if you must.

  9. Probably boxing. Being able to throw a punch correctly is an invaluable skill and boxing is the best at it. However real life fights are scary and dangerous. The best way to win a fight is to avoid fighting as much as possible. Your life isn’t worth your wallet if you’re being mugged by someone with a gun or knife. If you do end up in a violent confrontation, aim for the throat, nose, eyes, groin, knee caps, etc. If you can, use your elbows instead of your fists since you could easily break your hand if you try punching without prior training. Plus elbows are sharp, can draw blood more easily, and harder to block. And most importantly get out of that situation as soon as you can. You’re not Batman. Real life is not like an action movie.

  10. You should always run away.

    The idea that you turn into some John Wick-style person just because you practice martial arts is dangerous and will most likely get you killed/harmed. There are no rules in the street and if you dont really have any choice, then always run away.

  11. I asked an (at the time) undefeated UFC heavyweight this question at a party, and he said running away.

    You don’t know if the other guy is going to pull out a knife, or if his friend you didn’t see is going to soccer punt your head from behind when your trying to get him into a choke.

    He said something to the effect of “yeah sure, I could beat pretty much anyone in a fair fight, but why would they be stupid enough to give me a fair fight?” You could be the best fighter on the planet and still die in a street fight.

  12. I always say that if you wanna learn how to fight, then learn how to box. (Especially if you wanna learn fast)

    It gives you easily translatable skills to real fighting. Most people will punch off of pure instinct and a lot of fights are two dude punching or swinging on each other.

    If you know how to dodge and/or block these punches while returning your own better punches, you can likely handle yourself fine.

    Also boxing gives you the cardio to run away if need be.

    Jiu-jitsu also does very well because if you get tackled to the ground, jiu jitsu ensures you can gain an advantageous position or just stand up.

    Yeah, running away is usually a good idea, but I can’t agree with the dudes here who say “Martial arts don’t matter because xyz might happen”

    That’s bullshit to me because when it comes down to it, if guy A can run away, but guy B can both run away AND he can throw hands, I’d rather be The second guy.

    Personally I do MMA, but boxing has helped me in the way of real fights before

  13. Boxing or some other martial art that keeps you on your feet, you do not want to go on the ground at any point during a street fight against someone who likely A) is armed, B) has backup, or C) both. But for goodness sake don’t try to use taekwondo or that sort of style in a street fight. Now, some could argue that if the fight goes to the ground anyway, then some wrestling or jiu jitsu training can be useful.

  14. Concealed carry if possible. Best martial art would be boxing or muay thai. People say jiu-jitsu but you’re going to get your head stomped on same for wrestling. In general you don’t want to get close in street fights since you can’t manage the situation properly. They pull a knife, their buddy’s come or even strangers. I have seen people getting attacked or robbed they take a dominant position and a wannabe hero stranger comes and attacks them because they don’t know what’s going on. Goodluck

  15. The real answer is the 400m sprint, you GTFO of there. You have more to lose than gain in a fight, you’re not batman.

  16. In terms of being safe and not getting hurt in a fight? Probably Parkour (aka, running the fuck away, but with style!).

    In terms of actually winning a fight, context matters a bit. If your expect to only need to fight one guy at a time, you want grappling. Judo in particular is great at fighting people who are not naked and dropping them on their skull into pavement.

    If you expect to be in a fight where more than one person at a time may want to beat you shitless, then you have probably made some terrible life choices at some point. But for that, you want something striking based (Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Kyokushin Karate).

    Which ever martial art you go with, you want something that includes as much full contact / fully resistant sparring as is reasonably possible. Modern Tae Kwon Do. For striking this means hitting people at the same time as they are trying to hit you. For grappling this means trying to pin / throw / choke opponents trying to do the same to you.

    Just keep in mind that the floor of your local dojo / boxing ring / etc is probably padded. The parking lot out side of Applebee’s at 2:00 am is not padded at all. Expect for any fight you consider getting into that you WILL get hurt. Consider reading [this](http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/AreMASD.htm), and other stuff on this page for some better informed perspective.


  17. Ground fighting, is great on mats, not so much in a parking lot. Learn some stand up style, there are a bunch. Pick one that is heavy on light contact sparring, that is when you actually learn to fight. The rest is mostly prep for that.

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